这是一篇来自已证抗体库的有关人类 TWIST2的综述,是根据4篇发表使用所有方法的文章归纳的。这综述旨在帮助来邦网的访客找到最适合TWIST2 抗体。
TWIST2 同义词: AMS; BBRSAY; DERMO1; FFDD3; SETLSS; bHLHa39; twist-related protein 2; class A basic helix-loop-helix protein 39; dermis-expressed protein 1; twist basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor 2; twist homolog 2; twist-related bHLH protein Dermo1

兔 多克隆
  • 免疫组化-石蜡切片; 小鼠; 1:200; 图 4g
艾博抗(上海)贸易有限公司 TWIST2抗体(Abcam, 66031)被用于被用于免疫组化-石蜡切片在小鼠样品上浓度为1:200 (图 4g). Dev Dyn (2016) ncbi
兔 多克隆
  • 免疫印迹; 小鼠; 图 4b
艾博抗(上海)贸易有限公司 TWIST2抗体(Abcam, ab66031)被用于被用于免疫印迹在小鼠样品上 (图 4b). PLoS ONE (2015) ncbi
兔 多克隆
  • 染色质免疫沉淀 ; 人类; 图 3a
艾博抗(上海)贸易有限公司 TWIST2抗体(Abcam, ab66031)被用于被用于染色质免疫沉淀 在人类样品上 (图 3a). J Immunol (2015) ncbi
羊 多克隆
  • 酶联免疫吸附测定; 人类
安迪生物R&D TWIST2抗体(R&D Systems, AF6249)被用于被用于酶联免疫吸附测定在人类样品上. PLoS ONE (2015) ncbi
  1. Goodnough L, Dinuoscio G, ATIT R. Twist1 contributes to cranial bone initiation and dermal condensation by maintaining Wnt signaling responsiveness. Dev Dyn. 2016;245:144-56 pubmed 出版商
  2. Jokerst J, Chen Z, Xu L, Nolley R, Chang E, Mitchell B, et al. A Magnetic Bead-Based Sensor for the Quantification of Multiple Prostate Cancer Biomarkers. PLoS ONE. 2015;10:e0139484 pubmed 出版商
  3. Meier D, Lopez M, Franken P, Fontana A. Twist1 Is a TNF-Inducible Inhibitor of Clock Mediated Activation of Period Genes. PLoS ONE. 2015;10:e0137229 pubmed 出版商
  4. Zheng S, Hedl M, Abraham C. Twist1 and Twist2 Contribute to Cytokine Downregulation following Chronic NOD2 Stimulation of Human Macrophages through the Coordinated Regulation of Transcriptional Repressors and Activators. J Immunol. 2015;195:217-26 pubmed 出版商