这是一篇来自已证抗体库的有关人类 PIK3AP1的综述,是根据2篇发表使用所有方法的文章归纳的。这综述旨在帮助来邦网的访客找到最适合PIK3AP1 抗体。
PIK3AP1 同义词: BCAP; phosphoinositide 3-kinase adapter protein 1; B cell adaptor protein; B-cell adapter for phosphoinositide 3-kinase; B-cell phosphoinositide 3-kinase adapter protein 1

小鼠 单克隆(501813)
  • 免疫印迹; 小鼠; 图 1f
安迪生物R&D PIK3AP1抗体(R&D Systems, 501813)被用于被用于免疫印迹在小鼠样品上 (图 1f). J Exp Med (2018) ncbi
小鼠 单克隆(501813)
  • 免疫印迹; 人类; 1:1000; 图 6e
安迪生物R&D PIK3AP1抗体(R&D, MAB4857)被用于被用于免疫印迹在人类样品上浓度为1:1000 (图 6e). Sci Rep (2017) ncbi
  1. Deason K, Troutman T, Jain A, Challa D, Mandraju R, Brewer T, et al. BCAP links IL-1R to the PI3K-mTOR pathway and regulates pathogenic Th17 cell differentiation. J Exp Med. 2018;215:2413-2428 pubmed 出版商
  2. Xu Y, Wang Y, Yao A, Xu Z, Dou H, Shen S, et al. Low Frequency Magnetic Fields Induce Autophagy-associated Cell Death in Lung Cancer through miR-486-mediated Inhibition of Akt/mTOR Signaling Pathway. Sci Rep. 2017;7:11776 pubmed 出版商