这是一篇来自已证抗体库的有关人类 CASC3的综述,是根据3篇发表使用所有方法的文章归纳的。这综述旨在帮助来邦网的访客找到最适合CASC3 抗体。
CASC3 同义词: BTZ; MLN51; protein CASC3; MLN 51; barentsz; cancer susceptibility 3; cancer susceptibility candidate 3; cancer susceptibility candidate gene 3 protein; metastatic lymph node 51; metastatic lymph node gene 51 protein; protein barentsz

兔 多克隆
  • 免疫印迹; 人类; 1:5000; 图 8a
Bethyl CASC3抗体(Bethyl Laboratories, A302-472A)被用于被用于免疫印迹在人类样品上浓度为1:5000 (图 8a). PLoS ONE (2016) ncbi
兔 多克隆
  • 免疫印迹; 人类; 1:1000; 图 6
Bethyl CASC3抗体(Bethyl, A302-471)被用于被用于免疫印迹在人类样品上浓度为1:1000 (图 6). Nat Commun (2015) ncbi
LifeSpan Biosciences
兔 多克隆
  • 免疫印迹; 小鼠; 图 s1
LifeSpan Biosciences CASC3抗体(Lifespan Biosciences, LS-C100827)被用于被用于免疫印迹在小鼠样品上 (图 s1). Nucleic Acids Res (2016) ncbi
  1. Schweingruber C, Soffientini P, Ruepp M, Bachi A, Mühlemann O. Identification of Interactions in the NMD Complex Using Proximity-Dependent Biotinylation (BioID). PLoS ONE. 2016;11:e0150239 pubmed 出版商
  2. Sanchez G, Bondy Chorney E, Laframboise J, Paris G, Didillon A, Jasmin B, et al. A novel role for CARM1 in promoting nonsense-mediated mRNA decay: potential implications for spinal muscular atrophy. Nucleic Acids Res. 2016;44:2661-76 pubmed 出版商
  3. Popp M, Maquat L. Attenuation of nonsense-mediated mRNA decay facilitates the response to chemotherapeutics. Nat Commun. 2015;6:6632 pubmed 出版商