公司名称 :
Rockland Immunochemicals
产品类型 :
产品名称 :
目录 :
规格 :
价格 :
克隆性 :
宿主 :
domestic rabbit
共轭标签 :
反应物种 :
应用 :
免疫印迹, 酶联免疫吸附测定, 免疫沉淀
更多信息或购买 :
目录号 :
名称 :
显示名称 :
应用注释 :
Anti-HER3 antibody is specifically designed for immunoprecipitation and can be used for immunoblotting in conjunction with a detection antibody like anti-phosphotyrosine.  Reactivity in other assays is likely, but has not been determined.  Recognition of HER3 is independent of the phosphorylation status of the molecule.  Human prostate cell lines (LNCap) or human breast cell line (MDA-453) are typically used as positive control sources. For immunoprecipitation use approximately 5 µL of the antibody. The immunoprecipitation mix contained the antibody, 25 µL of Protein A-agarose beads and 1.0 ml of lysate (lysate contains approximately 1.0 mg of total protein). This mixture is rotated overnight at 4°C and then washed 3 times with lysis buffer (used to prepare the lysate). The resulting bead complex is dissolved in 20-30 µL of 3X SDS-PAGE sample buffer and approximately 15 µL is loaded per lane on an 8% polyacrylamide gel. The combination of immunoprecipitation and immunoblotting was performing using the anti-HER3 antibody for immunoprecipitation followed by immunoblot detection using an anti-phosphotyrosine antibody. The complex is then reacted with HRP Goat-anti-Rabbit IgG and ECL for detection and shows a single HER3 band at 180kDa. Researchers should determine optimal titers for other applications.
缓冲液 :
0.02 M钾磷酸盐, 0.15 M氯化钠, pH值7.2
克隆性 :
浓度值 :
浓度定义 :
by UV absorbance at 280 nm
共轭 :
规格 :
默认单元 :
ELISA稀释浓度 :
1:10, 000 - 1:50, 000
免疫沉淀稀释度 :
免疫印迹稀释浓度 :
1:500- 1:2, 000
有效期 :
Expiration date is one (1) year from date of opening.
格式 :
基因名称 :
宿主动物 :
一般免责声明 :
This product is for research use only and is not intended for therapeutic or diagnostic applications. Please contact a technical service representative for more information. All products of animal origin manufactured by Rockland Immunochemicals are derived from starting materials of North American origin. Collection was performed in United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) inspected facilities and all materials have been inspected and certified to be free of disease and suitable for exportation. All properties listed are typical characteristics and are not specifications. All suggestions and data are offered in good faith but without guarantee as conditions and methods of use of our products are beyond our control. All claims must be made within 30 days following the date of delivery. The prospective user must determine the suitability of our materials before adopting them on a commercial scale. Suggested uses of our products are not recommendations to use our products in violation of any patent or as a license under any patent of Rockland Immunochemicals, Inc. If you require a commercial license to use this material and do not have one, then return this material, unopened to: Rockland Inc., P.O. BOX 5199, Limerick, Pennsylvania, USA.
免疫原 :
Anti-HER3 whole rabbit serum was prepared by repeated immunizations with a HER3 fusion protein corresponding to amino acids 1283 to 1323 (40 amino acids) at the carboxy-terminus of human HER3.
包装类型 :
物理状态 :
Liquid (sterile filtered)
防腐剂 :
纯度和特异性 :
Rabbit Anti-HER3 is an IgG fraction antibody purified from monospecific antiserum by Protein A chromatography followed by cross adsorption against GST and extensive dialysis against the buffer stated above.  Assay by immunoelectrophoresis resulted in a single precipitin arc against anti-Rabbit Serum.  The antibody is directed against human HER3 and is useful in determining its presence in immunoprecipitation experiments. This antibody can detect HER3 from human, mouse and rat sources.   Reactivity of this antibody with HER3 from other species is unknown.
物种活性 :
储存 :
Store Anti-HER3 at -20° C prior to opening. Aliquot contents and freeze at -20° C or below for extended storage. Avoid cycles of freezing and thawing. Centrifuge product if not completely clear after standing at room temperature. This product is stable for several weeks at 4° C as an undiluted liquid. Dilute only prior to immediate use.
同义词 :
rabbit anti-HER3 Antibody, HER, c erbB 3 antibody, c erbB3 antibody, ERBB3 antibody, ERBB3 protein antibody, erbB3 S antibody, Glial growth factor receptor antibody
靶物种 :
背景 :
HER3 antibody is ideal for western blotting, ELISA and IP. The human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) family is a family of receptor tyrosine kinases consisting of 4 members: EGFR, HER2, HER3 and HER4.  These receptors are expressed on a wide variety of tissue types and have been implicated in many human cancers, including breast, gastric, colon and prostate.  Strong expression of both HER3 and HER2 (also known as p185neu) by tumor cells can be associated with poor outcome for patients.  The ligand for HER3 and HER4 is called Neu Differentiation Factor (NDF) or Heregulin.  In some instances, antibodies against these receptors prove effective in combination therapy regimens for treatment of the disease.  Signaling through the EGFR family involves the combinatorial dimerization of the four known family members and is mediated by at least 8 different hormones, including EGF and the heregulins.  Heregulin binding and tyrosine phosphorylation by HER3 or HER4 is enhanced in the presence of HER2.  Structurally the members of the EGFR family are 1210 to 1342 amino acids in length with approximately 650 amino acids of the extracellular domain being heavily glycosylated.  The extracellular domains show up to 70% sequence homology.
免疫原类型 :
低内毒素 :
样品尺寸 :
靶活性结构域 :
应用文本 :
酶联免疫吸附测定, 免疫沉淀, 免疫印迹
其他 :
User Optimized
类别 :
共轭名称 :
2020价格 :
UniProt数据库 :
最初图像名称 :
更多信息或购买 :
Rockland Immunochemicals
321 Jones Blvd
Pottstown, PA 19464
公司总部: 美国
Rockland Immunochemicals, Inc.位于宾夕法尼亚州的费城西部,为基础研究、应用研究及临床研究提供磷酸化位点特异性抗体及抗体相关研究工具。公司的技术平台是由一批经验丰富的科学家建立,利用In vitro及In vivo方法制备并纯化单抗及多抗,这些抗体应用于免疫印迹、ELISA、免疫组化、荧光检测、高通量筛选及诊断试剂盒生产等。常用一抗主要应用于以下研究:Akt通路、载脂蛋白、细胞凋亡/细胞周期、细胞因子、细胞信号、酶类、胞外基质、转录因子及泛素相关领域。