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文章摘录数: 62
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品牌 :
R&D Systems
master code :
SKU号 :
产品名称 :
单位尺寸 :
描述 :
The Recombinant Rat TNF-alpha Protein, CF from R&D Systems is derived from E. coli. The Recombinant Rat TNF-alpha Protein, CF has been validated for the following applications: Bioactivity.
靶标 :
类别 :
别名 :
APC1 protein, Cachectin, Cachetin, DIF, TNF, TNF, monocyte-derived, TNF-a, TNFA, TNFalpha, TNF-alphacachectin, TNFATNF, macrophage-derived, TNFG1F, TNFSF1A, TNFSF2, TNFSF2TNF superfamily, member 2, tumor necrosis factor, tumor necrosis factor (TNF superfamily, member 2), tumor necrosis factor alpha, Tumor necrosis factor ligand superfamily member 2, tumor necrosis factor-alpha
缓冲液 :
Lyophilized from a 0.2 µm filtered solution in PBS and DTT with BSA as a carrier protein.
共轭标签 :
all available conjugate :
纯度 :
>97%, by SDS-PAGE under reducing conditions and visualized by silver stain
物种 :
储存 :
Use a manual defrost freezer and avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles. 12 months from date of receipt, -20 to -70 °C as supplied. 1 month, 2 to 8 °C under sterile conditions after reconstitution. 3 months, -20 to -70 °C under sterile conditions after reconstitution.
理论上的分子量 :
17 kDa
基因符号 :
功能细节 :
Measured in a cytotoxicity assay using L-929 mouse fibroblast cells in the presence of the metabolic inhibitor actinomycin D. Matthews, N. and M.L. Neale (1987) in Lymphokines and Interferons, A Practical Approach. Clemens, M.J. et al . (eds): IRL Press. 221. The ED50 for this effect is 4-20 pg/mL.
内毒素说明 :
<0.1 EU per 1 µg of the protein by the LAL method.
accessionNumbers :
应用 :
来源 :
E. coli-derived Recombinant Rat TNF-alpha Protein
美元 :
Jul-22 :
sizes available :
10 ug (also 50 ug)
更多信息或购买 :
21 52380373
公司总部: 美国
R&D Systems develops and manufactures high-quality proteins and serves as a world leader in immunoassays. R&D Systems also produces quality antibodies, antibody arrays, stem cell and cell culture products, and cell selection and detection products, serving the life science and diagnostics industry.