公司名称 :
Novus Biologicals
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产品名称 :
GR/NR3C1 Antibody (BuGR2) - BSA Free
目录 :
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共轭标签 :
克隆名称 :
反应物种 :
人类, 小鼠, 大鼠
应用 :
免疫印迹, 免疫组化, 免疫细胞化学, 中和反应, 免疫沉淀, 流式细胞仪, EMSA, 染色质免疫沉淀 , 免疫组化-石蜡切片
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  • 免疫印迹; 小鼠; 1:1000; 图 s12c
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品牌 :
Novus Biologicals, a Bio-Techne Brand
catalog number base :
SKU号 :
产品名称 :
GR/NR3C1 Antibody (BuGR2) - BSA Free
描述 :
The GR/NR3C1 Antibody (BuGR2) - BSA Free from Novus is a mouse monoclonal antibody to GR/NR3C1. This antibody reacts with human, mouse, rat, guinea pig, rabbit, sheep, yeast. The GR/NR3C1 Antibody (BuGR2) - BSA Free has been validated for the following applications: Western Blot, Flow Cytometry, Immunohistochemistry, Immunocytochemistry/ Immunofluorescence, Immunoprecipitation, Immunohistochemistry-Paraffin, Gel Super Shift Assays, Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP), Block/Neutralize.
靶标 :
类别 :
单位尺寸 :
缓冲液 :
克隆性 :
克隆 :
浓度 :
共轭标签 :
宿主 :
免疫原 :
Partially purified rat GR.
抗体亚型 :
纯度 :
物种 :
人类, 小鼠, 大鼠, 豚鼠, 兔, 羊, 酵母
特异性 :
Using enzymatic digestion analysis, has been shown to react with the undigested 97 kDa GR, a 17 kDa DNA-binding trypsin fragment, and a 45 kDa steroid- and DNA-binding chymotrypsin fragment
基因符号 :
应用 :
Western Blot, Flow Cytometry, Immunohistochemistry, Immunocytochemistry/ Immunofluorescence, Immunoprecipitation, Immunohistochemistry-Paraffin, Gel Super Shift Assays, Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP), Block/Neutralize
美元 :
别名 :
GCR, glucocorticoid receptor, GRGCCR, GRLNuclear receptor subfamily 3 group C member 1, nuclear receptor subfamily 3, group C, member 1, nuclear receptor subfamily 3, group C, member 1 (glucocorticoid receptor)
储存 :
存放在-20C。 避免冻融循环
更多信息或购买 :
Novus Biologicals
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Centennial, CO 80112
1-888-506-6887 303-730-1950
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