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产品全称 :
产品简称 :
血型糖蛋白 a
其他名称 :
glycophorin-A; Glycophorin-A; glycophorin-A; glycophorin MiI; glycophorin MiV; glycophorin SAT; glycophorin Erik; glycophorin A, GPA; MN sialoglycoprotein; glycophorin Sta type C; sialoglycoprotein alpha; Mi.V glycoprotein (24 AA); glycophorin A (MN blood group); recombinant glycophorin A-B Miltenberger-DR; erythroid-lineage-specific membrane sialoglycoprotein; glycophorin A (MNS blood group); MN sialoglycoprotein; PAS-2; Sialoglycoprotein alpha; CD_antigen: CD235a
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储存稳定性 :
Store all reagents at 2-8 degree C.
其它信息1 :
Samples: Serum, plasma, Cell Culture Supernatants, body fluid and tissue homogenate. Assay Type: Competitive. Sensitivity: 1.0 pg/mL.
其他信息2 :
Intended Uses: This GPA ELISA kit is a 1.5 hour solid-phase ELISA designed for the quantitative determination of Canine GPA. This ELISA kit for research use only, not for therapeutic or diagnostic applications!
产品描述 :
Principle of the Assay: GPA ELISA kit applies the competitive enzyme immunoassay technique utilizing a monoclonal anti-GPA antibody and an GPA-HRP conjugate. The assay sample and buffer are incubated together with GPA-HRP conjugate in pre-coated plate for one hour. After the incubation period, the wells are decanted and washed five times. The wells are then incubated with a substrate for HRP enzyme. The product of the enzyme-substrate reaction forms a blue colored complex. Finally, a stop solution is added to stop the reaction, which will then turn the solution yellow. The intensity of color is measured spectrophotometrically at 450nm in a microplate reader. The intensity of the color is inversely proportional to the GPA concentration since GPA from samples and GPA-HRP conjugate compete for the anti-GPA antibody binding site. Since the number of sites is limited, as more sites are occupied by GPA from the sample, fewer sites are left to bind GPA-HRP conjugate. A standard curve is plotted relating the intensity of the color (O.D.) to the concentration of standards. The GPA concentration in each sample is interpolated from this standard curve.
NCBI GI登录号 :
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NCBI分子量 :
13,000 Da
NCBI信号通路 :
Hematopoietic Cell Lineage Pathway (83078); Hematopoietic Cell Lineage Pathway (489); Malaria Pathway (152665); Malaria Pathway (152657)
NCBI总结 :
Glycophorins A (GYPA) and B (GYPB) are major sialoglycoproteins of the human erythrocyte membrane which bear the antigenic determinants for the MN and Ss blood groups. In addition to the M or N and S or s antigens that commonly occur in all populations, about 40 related variant phenotypes have been identified. These variants include all the variants of the Miltenberger complex and several isoforms of Sta, as well as Dantu, Sat, He, Mg, and deletion variants Ena, S-s-U- and Mk. Most of the variants are the result of gene recombinations between GYPA and GYPB. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2008]
UniProt数据库总结 :
GYPA: Glycophorin A is the major intrinsic membrane protein of the erythrocyte. The N-terminal glycosylated segment, which lies outside the erythrocyte membrane, has MN blood group receptors. Appears to be important for the function of SLC4A1 and is required for high activity of SLC4A1. May be involved in translocation of SLC4A1 to the plasma membrane. Is a receptor for influenza virus. Is a receptor for Plasmodium falciparum erythrocyte-binding antigen 175 (EBA-175); binding of EBA-175 is dependent on sialic acid residues of the O-linked glycans. Appears to be a receptor for Hepatitis A virus (HAV). Belongs to the glycophorin A family. Protein type: Adaptor/scaffold; Membrane protein, integral. Chromosomal Location of Human Ortholog: 4q31.21. Cellular Component: membrane; integral to plasma membrane; plasma membrane; external side of plasma membrane. Molecular Function: viral receptor activity; identical protein binding; protein homodimerization activity. Biological Process: entry of virus into host cell; cytoskeletal anchoring; regulation of response to osmotic stress. Disease: Malaria, Susceptibility To
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P.O. Box 153308
San Diego, CA 92195-3308
公司总部: 美国