公司名称 :
产品类型 :
产品名称 :
Phospholipase A2, Secretory, Group IB (PLA2G1B, phospholipase A2, MGC119834, MGC119835, Phosphatidylcholine 2-acylhydrolase, Phospholipase A2 precursor, PLA2, PLA2A, PPLA2)
目录 :
规格 :
价格 :
克隆性 :
宿主 :
共轭标签 :
克隆名称 :
反应物种 :
应用 :
免疫印迹, 免疫沉淀
更多信息或购买 :
图像 1 :
MyBioSource MBS6012549 图像 1
Detection of Human PLA2G1B by Western Blot. Western Blot shows lysates of human pancreas tissue. PVDF Membrane was probed with MBS6012549 (2ug/ml) followed by mouse IgG (HRP) secondary antibody. A specific band was detected for PLA2G1B at ~17kD (as indicated). This experiment was conducted under non reducing conditions and using Immunoblot Buffer Group 1.
目录号 :
产品类型 :
产品全称 :
Phospholipase A2, Secretory, Group IB (PLA2G1B, phospholipase A2, MGC119834, MGC119835, Phosphatidylcholine 2-acylhydrolase, Phospholipase A2 precursor, PLA2, PLA2A, PPLA2)
产品简称 :
[Phospholipase A2, Secretory, Group IB]
产品名称同义词 :
[Anti -Phospholipase A2, Secretory, Group IB (PLA2G1B, phospholipase A2, MGC119834, MGC119835, Phosphatidylcholine 2-acylhydrolase, Phospholipase A2 precursor, PLA2, PLA2A, PPLA2)]
其他名称 :
[phospholipase A2; Phospholipase A2; phospholipase A2; phosphatidylcholine 2-acylhydrolase 1B; phospholipase A2, group IB (pancreas); Group IB phospholipase A2; Phosphatidylcholine 2-acylhydrolase 1B]
其他基因名称 :
UniProt数据库进入名 :
克隆性 :
抗体亚型 :
克隆 :
宿主 :
反应物种 :
特异性 :
Recognizes human PLA2G1B. No cross-reactivity with recombinant human PLA2G2A, PLA2G7, recombinant mouse PLA2G2A, or PLA2R1.
纯度 :
Affinity Purified. Purified by Protein A/G affinity chromatography.
形式 :
Supplied as a lyophilized powder in PBS, pH7.4, 5% trehalose. Reconstitute with 200ul sterile PBS.
浓度 :
~0.5 mg/ml (after reconstitution)
储存稳定性 :
Lyophilized powder may be stored at -20 degree C. Stable for 12 months at -20 degree C. Reconstitute with PBS. Aliquot to avoid repeated freezing and thawing. Store at -20 degree C. Reconstituted product is stable for 12 months at -20 degree C. For maximum recovery of product, centrifuge the original vial after thawing and prior to removing the cap. Further dilutions can be made in assay buffer.
检测过的应用 :
免疫印迹(免疫印迹), 免疫沉淀(免疫沉淀)
应用笔记 :
Suitable for use in Western Blot and Immunoprecipitation. Dilution: Western Blot: 2ug/ml. Immunoprecipitation: 25ug/ml
image1头 :
其它信息1 :
Immunogen: Recombinant corresponding to aa1-148 from human PLA2G1B expressed in NSO cells (NM_000928).
产品种类 :
Antibodies; Abs to Enzymes, Phospholipase
产品描述 :
PLA2G1B, hydrolyses the sn-2 ester bond of phospholipids, including those in cell membranes, to generate non-esterified free fatty acids and lysophospholipids. Most secretory PLA2s are stored in cytoplasmic granules and are released into plasma and biological fluids on appropriate cell activation, especially during systemic inflammatory, autoimmune, or allergic disease. PLA2G1B is abundant in digestive organs but is also found elsewhere. Human PLA2G1B shares 78-76aa sequence identity with mouse and rat PLA2G1B, respectively.
NCBI GI登录号 :
NCBI登录号 :
NCBI基因登录号 :
UniProt数据库登录号 :
NCBI分子量 :
16,360 Da
NCBI信号通路 :
Acyl Chain Remodelling Of PC Pathway (645321); Acyl Chain Remodelling Of PE Pathway (645317); Acyl Chain Remodelling Of PG Pathway (645328); Acyl Chain Remodelling Of PI Pathway (645326); Acyl Chain Remodelling Of PS Pathway (645324); Arachidonic Acid Metabolism Pathway (82991); Arachidonic Acid Metabolism Pathway (366); Ether Lipid Metabolism Pathway (82990); Ether Lipid Metabolism Pathway (365); Fat Digestion And Absorption Pathway (194385)
NCBI总结 :
This gene encodes a secreted member of the phospholipase A2 (PLA2) class of enzymes, which is produced by the pancreatic acinar cells. The encoded calcium-dependent enzyme catalyzes the hydrolysis of the sn-2 position of membrane glycerophospholipids to release arachidonic acid (AA) and lysophospholipids. AA is subsequently converted by downstream metabolic enzymes to several bioactive lipophilic compounds (eicosanoids), including prostaglandins (PGs) and leukotrienes (LTs). The enzyme may be involved in several physiological processes including cell contraction, cell proliferation and pathological response. [provided by RefSeq, Aug 2013]
UniProt数据库总结 :
PLA2G1B: PA2 catalyzes the calcium-dependent hydrolysis of the 2- acyl groups in 3-sn-phosphoglycerides. Belongs to the phospholipase A2 family. Protein type: Lipid Metabolism - linoleic acid; Secreted, signal peptide; EC; Lipid Metabolism - alpha-linolenic acid; Secreted; Phospholipase; DNA replication; Lipid Metabolism - ether lipid; Lipid Metabolism - glycerophospholipid; Lipid Metabolism - arachidonic acid. Chromosomal Location of Human Ortholog: 12q24.31. Cellular Component: extracellular space; cell surface; extracellular region; secretory granule. Molecular Function: phospholipase A2 activity; calcium-dependent phospholipase A2 activity; bile acid binding; calcium ion binding; receptor binding. Biological Process: positive regulation of immune response; activation of MAPK activity; neutrophil mediated immunity; activation of phospholipase A2; glucose transport; signal transduction; phosphatidylcholine metabolic process; activation of NF-kappaB transcription factor; positive regulation of fibroblast proliferation; phospholipid metabolic process; fatty acid biosynthetic process; multicellular organismal lipid catabolic process; neutrophil chemotaxis; glycerophospholipid biosynthetic process; actin filament organization; arachidonic acid secretion; leukotriene biosynthetic process; defense response to Gram-positive bacterium; positive regulation of protein secretion; innate immune response in mucosa; cellular response to insulin stimulus; antibacterial humoral response; phosphatidic acid biosynthetic process; positive regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter; interleukin-8 production; positive regulation of DNA replication
尺寸1 :
价格1 :
更多信息或购买 :
P.O. Box 153308
San Diego, CA 92195-3308
公司总部: 美国