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Precipitating polyclonal Rabbit antiSerum to the C1q subunit of C1 component of Human complement.
形式 :
Depilidated, heat inactivaded, lyophilized,stable whole antiserum.
储存稳定性 :
Lyophilized at +4°C: at least 10 years. Reconstitutedat or belows -20°C:3-5 years. Reconstituted at +4°C: 7 days.
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其它信息1 :
. Immunogen: C1 component of human complement is a complex of three glycoproteins; C1q,c1r and C1s,C1q has a molecular weight of 492,0000 and is present in plasma in an average concentration of 80ug/mL.It consists of a complex of 18 polypeptide chains of three different types, A,B and C; 6 of each typle.The subcomponent C1q is responsible for the binding of C1q to immunocomplexes an membranes via de Fc portion of the immunoglobulin. The subunit C1q is an isolated as a homogenous protein for use in antiserum production. Freund's complete adjuvant is used in the first step of the immunization procedure. Adsorption: Immunoaffinity adsorbed using insolubilized antigens as required,to eliminate antibodies reacting with other plasma proteins. The use of insolubilized adsorption antigens prevents the presence of excess adsorben protein or immune complexes in the antiserum.
其他信息2 :
Reactivity Note: The antiSerum does not cross react with any other component of Human plasma. Inter-species cross-reactivity is a normal feature of antibodies to plasma proteins since they frequently share antigenic determinants. Cross-reactivity of this antiSerum has not been tested in detail. Identity & Specifity: The reactivity of the antiserum is restricted to C1q. In immunoelectrophoresis and radial immunodiffusion(ouchterlony), using various antiserum concentrations against fresh normal human plasma a single precipitin line is obtained which shows a reaction of identity with the precipitin line obtained with purified C1q .Complexes containing C1q may also react with the antiserum. No reaction is obtained with C1r,C1s or any other plasma protein component or serum. Protein concentration: Total protein and IgG concentrations in the antiserum are comparable to those of pooled normal rabbit serum.No foreigns proteins added. Antibody titre: Precipitin titre 1:32 when tested against in agar-block immunodiffussion titration against anappropiate reference. Intented use: In precipitatin techniques as immunoelectrophoresis and single or double radial immunodiffusion to identify the presence of C1q or C1q containing complexes in human plasma or other body fluis or to detemrine its concentration. THe presence of non precipitatin antibodies has not been assayed. This does not exclude the use of the antiserum in more sensitive non -precipitating antibody-binding techniques if proper controls are included. Directions for use: The lyophilized antiserum is shipped at ambient temperature and may be stored at 4°C, prolonged storage at or below -20°C.Reconstitute the lyophilized antiserum by adding 1 mL sterile distilled water. Dilutins may be prepared by adding phosphate buffered saline (PBS,pH 7.2) Repeated thawing and freezing should be avoided If a slight precipitation occcurs upon storage, this should be removed by centrifugation. It will not affect the performance of the antiserum. Diluted antiserum should be stored at +4°,not refrozen, and preferably used the same day.
产品种类 :
Complement, Coagulation, Haematology
产品描述 :
The reactivity of the antiserum is restricted to C1q. In immunoelectrophoresis and radial immunodiffusion (Ouchterlony), using various antiserum concentrations against fresh normal human plasma a single precipitin line is obtained which shows a reaction of identity with the precipitin line obtained with purified C1q protein. Complexes containing C1q may also react with the antiserum. No reaction is obtained with C1r, C1s or any other plasma protein component or serum. In precipitating techniques as immunoelectrophoresis and single or double radial immunodiffusion to identify the presence of C1q or C1q containing complexes in human plasma or other body fluids or to determine its concentration. The presence of non precipitating antibodies has not been assayed. This does not exclude the use of the antiserum in more sensitive nonprecipitating antibody-binding techniques if proper controls are included.
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P.O. Box 153308
San Diego, CA 92195-3308
公司总部: 美国