公司名称 :
产品类型 :
产品名称 :
Rabbit Polyclonal (IgG) to Human INHA / Inhibin Alpha
目录 :
规格 :
价格 :
克隆性 :
宿主 :
共轭标签 :
反应物种 :
应用 :
免疫组化, 免疫组化-石蜡切片
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图像 1 :
MyBioSource MBS246943 图像 1
Anti-INHA / Inhibin Alpha antibody IHC of human kidney. Immunohistochemistry of formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue after heat-induced antigen retrieval. Antibody dilution 1:50.
目录号 :
产品类型 :
产品全称 :
Rabbit Polyclonal (IgG) to Human INHA / Inhibin Alpha
产品简称 :
产品名称同义词 :
[Anti-INHA / Inhibin Alpha Antibody IHC-plus; INHA; A-inhibin subunit; Inhibin alpha; Inhibin; alpha; Inhibin alpha chain; Human INHA; Inhibin Alpha]
其他名称 :
[inhibin alpha chain preproprotein; Inhibin alpha chain; inhibin alpha chain; A-inhibin subunit; inhibin, alpha]
产品基因名称 :
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UniProt数据库进入名 :
克隆性 :
抗体亚型 :
宿主 :
反应物种 :
序列长度 :
纯度 :
Immunoaffinity Purified
形式 :
10 mM PBS, pH值7.4, BSA, 叠氮化钠
储存稳定性 :
Store at 2 degree C to 8 degree C degrees. Do not freeze.
检测过的应用 :
应用笔记 :
image1头 :
其它信息1 :
Family/Subfamily: TGF beta/ not assigned-TGF beta. Target Species: Human. Immunogen Description: Synthetic peptide corresponding to human inhibin alpha.
其他信息2 :
Immunogen Type: Synthetic peptide. Immunogen: INHA / Inhibin Alpha antibody was raised against synthetic peptide corresponding to human inhibin alpha. Disclaimer: Due to the highly specific nature of antibodies and antigens, we cannot predict or be held responsible with respect to how this antibody will behave in your systems. Researchers using this antibody should conduct optimization studies to achieve the most optimal result possible for their intended application. Recommended Immunohistochemistry Protocol: The following protocol is a recommendation only, and MyBioSource, Inc. makes no guarantee of the results:. Tissue Preparation: . Formalin fixation and embedding in paraffin wax. Tissue Sectioning: . Make 4-um sections and place on pre-cleaned and charged microscope slides. Heat in a tissue-dryingoven for 45 minutes at 60°C. Deparaffinization: . Wash dry slides in 3 changes of xylene - 5 minutes each @ RT. Rehydration: . Wash slides in 3 changes of 100% alcohol - 3 minutes each @ RT. Wash slides in 2 changes of 95% alcohol - 3 minutes each @ RT. Wash slides in 1 change of 80% alcohol - 3 minutes @ RT. Rinse slides in gentle running distilled water - 5 minutes @ RT. Antigen retrieval: . Steam slides in 0.01 M sodium citrate buffer, pH 6.0 at 99-100°C - 20 minutes. Remove from heat and let stand at room temperature in buffer - 20 minutes. Rinse in 1X TBS with Tween (TBST) -1 minute @ RT. Immunostaining: . (Do not allow tissues to dry at any time during the staining procedure) . Apply a universal protein block - 20 minutes @ RT. Drain protein block from slides, apply diluted primary antibody - 45 minutes @ RT. Rinse slides in 1 X TBST - 1 minute @ RT. Apply a biotinylated secondary antibody appropriate for the primary antibody - 30 minutes @ RT. Rinse slides in 1X TBST -1 minute @ RT. Apply alkaline phosphatase streptavidin - 30 minutes @ RT. Rinse slides in 1X TBST -1 minute @ RT. Apply alkaline phosphatase chromogen substrate - 30 minutes @ RT. Wash slides in distilled water - 1 minute @ RT. Dehydrate: . (This method should only be used if the chromogen substrate is alcohol insoluble (e.g. Vector Red, DAB) . Wash slides in 2 changes of 80% alcohol - 1 minute each @ RT. Wash slides in 2 changes of 95% alcohol - 1 minute each @ RT. Wash slides in 3 changes of 100% alcohol - 1 minute each @ RT. Wash slides in 3 changes of xylene - 1 minute each @ RT. Apply coverslip
产品种类 :
Family: TGF beta
NCBI GI登录号 :
NCBI登录号 :
NCBI基因登录号 :
UniProt数据库登录号 :
NCBI分子量 :
39,670 Da
NCBI信号通路 :
Glycoprotein Hormones Pathway (160989); Metabolism Of Proteins Pathway (106230); Ovarian Infertility Genes Pathway (198801); Peptide Hormone Biosynthesis Pathway (160988); Peptide Hormone Metabolism Pathway (771603)
NCBI总结 :
This gene encodes the alpha subunit of inhibins A and B protein complexes. These complexes negatively regulate follicle stimulating hormone secretion from the pituitary gland. Inhibins have also been implicated in regulating numerous cellular processes including cell proliferation, apoptosis, immune response and hormone secretion.[provided by RefSeq, Dec 2010]
UniProt数据库总结 :
INHA: Inhibins and activins inhibit and activate, respectively, the secretion of follitropin by the pituitary gland. Inhibins/activins are involved in regulating a number of diverse functions such as hypothalamic and pituitary hormone secretion, gonadal hormone secretion, germ cell development and maturation, erythroid differentiation, insulin secretion, nerve cell survival, embryonic axial development or bone growth, depending on their subunit composition. Inhibins appear to oppose the functions of activins. Belongs to the TGF-beta family. Protein type: Secreted, signal peptide; Secreted. Chromosomal Location of Human Ortholog: 2q35. Cellular Component: photoreceptor outer segment; photoreceptor inner segment; cell soma; extracellular region. Molecular Function: protein binding; growth factor activity; protein heterodimerization activity; hormone activity; cytokine activity; transforming growth factor beta receptor binding; receptor binding. Biological Process: negative regulation of B cell differentiation; hemoglobin biosynthetic process; nervous system development; regulation of cell cycle; male gonad development; signal transduction; negative regulation of interferon-gamma biosynthetic process; regulation of cell proliferation; negative regulation of follicle-stimulating hormone secretion; negative regulation of cell cycle; regulation of apoptosis; response to external stimulus; cell surface receptor linked signal transduction; negative regulation of macrophage differentiation; cell-cell signaling; ovarian follicle development; regulation of MAPKKK cascade; erythrocyte differentiation; negative regulation of phosphorylation; positive regulation of follicle-stimulating hormone secretion; cell differentiation; cell cycle arrest; cell development; skeletal development
尺寸1 :
价格1 :
更多信息或购买 :
P.O. Box 153308
San Diego, CA 92195-3308
公司总部: 美国