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应用 :
免疫印迹, 酶联免疫吸附测定, 免疫组化, 免疫沉淀, 酶免疫法, 免疫组化-石蜡切片
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产品全称 :
产品简称 :
产品名称同义词 :
tumor necrosis factor; tumor necrosis factor; APC1 antibody; APC1 protein antibody; Cachectin antibody; DIF antibody; Differentiation inducing factor antibody; Macrophage cytotoxic factor antibody; MCF antibody; Necrosin antibody; TNF a antibody; TNF alpha antibody; TNF antibody; TNF Macrophage Derived antibody; TNF Monocyte Derived antibody; TNF Superfamily Member 2 antibody; TNF superfamily, member 2 antibody; TNF, macrophage derived antibody; TNF, monocyte derived antibody; TNF-a antibody; TNF-alpha antibody; TNFA antibody; TNFA_HUMAN antibody; TNFSF2 antibody; Tumor necrosis factor alpha antibody; Tumor necrosis factor antibody; Tumor necrosis factor ligand superfamily member 2 antibody; Tumor Necrosis Factor Precursor antibody; Tumor Necrosis Factor, Membrane Form antibody; Tumor necrosis factor, soluble form antibody; Tumour Necrosis Factor Alpha antibody
其他名称 :
Tumor necrosis factor; Tumor necrosis factor; tumor necrosis factor; cachectin; tumor necrosis factor-alpha; tumor necrosis factor ligand superfamily member 2; tumor necrosis factor; Cachectin; TNF-alpha; Tumor necrosis factor ligand superfamily member 2; TNF-a
产品基因名称 :
其他基因名称 :
Tnf; Tnf; DIF; Tnfa; TNF-a; TNFSF2; Tnfsf1a; TNFalpha; TNF-alpha; Tnfa; Tnfsf2; TNF-a; NTF; ICD1; ICD2
UniProt数据库进入名 :
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储存稳定性 :
At -20 degree C for one year. After reconstitution, at 4 degree C for one month. It can also be aliquotted and stored frozen at -20 degree C for a longer time. Avoid repeated freezing and thawing.
检测过的应用 :
Western Blot (WB), Immunohistochemistry (IHC) Paraffin, ELISA (EIA), Neu, Immunoprecipitation (IP)
其它信息1 :
Immunogen: E Coli-derived mouse TNF alpha recombinant protein (Position: L80-L235).
其他信息2 :
Contents: Each vial contains 0.9mg NaCl, 0.2mg Na2HPO4, 0.05mg NaN3. Reconstitution: Add 0.2ml of distilled water will yield a concentration of 500ug/ml.
产品描述 :
Description: Rabbit IgG polyclonal antibody for Tumor necrosis factor(TNF) detection. Tested with WB, IHC-P, ELISA, Neu, IP in Mouse. Background: Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNFA) also known as TNFR1. It is a potent cytokine, elicits a broad spectrum of biological responses which are mediated by binding to a cell surface receptor. There are 2 different proteins that serve as major receptors for TNF-alpha, one associated with myeloid cells and one associated with epithelial cells. TNFR1 maps to 12p13. TNFR1 signaling is also known to activate the transcription factor NF-kappa B and promote survival.
NCBI GI登录号 :
NCBI登录号 :
UniProt数据库登录号 :
NCBI分子量 :
25,896 Da
NCBI信号通路 :
Adipocytokine Signaling Pathway (83290); Adipocytokine Signaling Pathway (505); Adipogenesis Pathway (198299); African Trypanosomiasis Pathway (194387); African Trypanosomiasis Pathway (194323); Allograft Rejection Pathway (83316); Allograft Rejection Pathway (535); Alzheimer's Disease Pathway (83294); Alzheimer's Disease Pathway (509); Amoebiasis Pathway (167330)
NCBI总结 :
This gene encodes a multifunctional proinflammatory cytokine that belongs to the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) superfamily. Members of this family are classified based on primary sequence, function, and structure. This protein is synthesized as a type-II transmembrane protein and is reported to be cleaved into products that exert distinct biological functions. It plays an important role in the innate immune response as well as regulating homeostasis but is also implicated in diseases of chronic inflammation. In mouse deficiency of this gene is associated with defects in response to bacterial infection, with defects in forming organized follicular dendritic cell networks and germinal centers, and with a lack of primary B cell follicles. Alternative splicing results in multiple transcript variants. [provided by RefSeq, Jun 2013]
UniProt数据库总结 :
TNF-a: Cytokine that binds to TNFRSF1A/TNFR1 and TNFRSF1B/TNFBR. It is mainly secreted by macrophages and can induce cell death of certain tumor cell lines. It is potent pyrogen causing fever by direct action or by stimulation of interleukin-1 secretion and is implicated in the induction of cachexia, Under certain conditions it can stimulate cell proliferation and induce cell differentiation. Homotrimer. Interacts with SPPL2B. Belongs to the tumor necrosis factor family. Protein type: Motility/polarity/chemotaxis; Apoptosis; Membrane protein, integral; Cytokine. Cellular Component: extracellular space; cell surface; integral to plasma membrane; extracellular region; integral to membrane; secretory granule; lipid raft; recycling endosome; membrane; plasma membrane; intracellular; phagocytic cup; external side of plasma membrane. Molecular Function: identical protein binding; protein binding; protease binding; cytokine activity; tumor necrosis factor receptor binding. Biological Process: extracellular matrix organization and biogenesis; positive regulation of nitric oxide biosynthetic process; positive regulation of NFAT protein import into nucleus; activation of MAPK activity; positive regulation of apoptosis; positive regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent; positive regulation of caspase activity; positive regulation of translational initiation by iron; positive regulation of membrane protein ectodomain proteolysis; activation of NF-kappaB transcription factor; positive regulation of MAP kinase activity; cellular extravasation; tumor necrosis factor-mediated signaling pathway; positive regulation of phagocytosis; negative regulation of interleukin-6 production; JNK cascade; negative regulation of osteoblast differentiation; positive regulation of action potential; negative regulation of protein complex disassembly; positive regulation of cytokine production; positive regulation of heterotypic cell-cell adhesion; positive regulation of mitosis; response to virus; positive regulation of interleukin-6 production; glucose metabolic process; negative regulation of cytokine secretion during immune response; positive regulation of protein transport; DNA damage response, signal transduction resulting in induction of apoptosis; defense response to bacterium; positive regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter; sequestering of triacylglycerol; positive regulation of JNK cascade; negative regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter; positive regulation of interleukin-18 production; signal transduction; chronic inflammatory response to antigenic stimulus; positive regulation of hair follicle development; negative regulation of cell proliferation; positive regulation of neuron apoptosis; positive regulation of cell proliferation; protein kinase B signaling cascade; positive regulation of chronic inflammatory response to antigenic stimulus; inflammatory response; regulation of protein amino acid phosphorylation; transformed cell apoptosis; positive regulation of peptidyl-serine phosphorylation; humoral immune response; regulation of cell proliferation; cell proliferation; positive regulation of protein kinase B signaling cascade; positive regulation of programmed cell death; positive regulation of interferon-gamma production; positive regulation of protein complex assembly; negative regulation of viral genome replication; regulation of insulin secretion; positive regulation of JNK activity; positive regulation of osteoclast differentiation; multicellular organismal development; response to glucocorticoid stimulus; positive regulation of NF-kappaB import into nucleus; osteoclast differentiation; regulation of immunoglobulin secretion; positive regulation of I-kappaB kinase/NF-kappaB cascade; positive regulation of interleukin-8 biosynthetic process; positive regulation of chemokine production; detection of mechanical stimulus involved in sensory perception of pain; cell activation; organ morphogenesis; defense response to Gram-positive bacterium; induction of apoptosis via death domain receptors; positive regulation of transcription factor activity; negative regulation of L-glutamate transport; negative regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent; leukocyte migration; apoptosis; positive regulation of smooth muscle cell proliferation; defense response; positive regulation of synaptic transmission; regulation of osteoclast differentiation; regulation of protein secretion; negative regulation of lipid catabolic process; lipopolysaccharide-mediated signaling pathway; regulation of I-kappaB kinase/NF-kappaB cascade; caspase activation; positive regulation of humoral immune response mediated by circulating immunoglobulin; positive regulation of protein complex disassembly; MAPKKK cascade; calcium-mediated signaling; negative regulation of glucose import; positive regulation of chemokine biosynthetic process; protein import into nucleus, translocation; positive regulation of protein kinase activity; activation of MAPKKK activity; positive regulation of fever; immune response; positive regulation of protein amino acid phosphorylation; receptor biosynthetic process; negative regulation of myoblast differentiation; leukocyte tethering or rolling; positive regulation of inflammatory response; positive regulation of cytokine secretion
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P.O. Box 153308
San Diego, CA 92195-3308
公司总部: 美国