公司名称 :
其他品牌 :
NeoMarkers, Lab Vision, Endogen, Pierce, BioSource International, Zymed Laboratories, Caltag, Molecular Probes, Research Genetics, Life Technologies, Applied Biosystems, GIBCO BRL, ABgene, Dynal, Affinity BioReagents, Nunc, Invitrogen, NatuTec, Oxoid, Richard-Allan Scientific, Arcturus, Perseptive Biosystems, Proxeon, eBioscience
产品类型 :
产品名称 :
14-3-3 sigma Monoclonal Antibody (1433S01)
目录 :
规格 :
价格 :
克隆性 :
宿主 :
共轭标签 :
克隆名称 :
反应物种 :
人类, 小鼠
应用 :
免疫印迹, 免疫组化, 免疫细胞化学, 免疫沉淀, 免疫组化-石蜡切片
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文章摘录数: 17
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Chen L, Yang B. 14-3-3 sigma is a useful immunohistochemical marker for diagnosing ovarian granulosa cell tumors and steroid cell tumors. Int J Gynecol Pathol. 2013;32:156-62 pubmed 出版商
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Erovic B, Kim D, Cassol C, Goldstein D, Irish J, Asa S, et al. Prognostic and predictive markers in medullary thyroid carcinoma. Endocr Pathol. 2012;23:232-42 pubmed 出版商
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Erovic B, Harris L, Jamali M, Goldstein D, Irish J, Asa S, et al. Biomarkers of parathyroid carcinoma. Endocr Pathol. 2012;23:221-31 pubmed 出版商
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Erovic B, Al Habeeb A, Harris L, Goldstein D, Kim D, Ghazarian D, et al. Identification of novel target proteins in sebaceous gland carcinoma. Head Neck. 2013;35:642-8 pubmed 出版商
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Hayashi E, Kuramitsu Y, Fujimoto M, Zhang X, Tanaka T, Uchida K, et al. Proteomic profiling of differential display analysis for human oral squamous cell carcinoma: 14-3-3 ? Protein is upregulated in human oral squamous cell carcinoma and dependent on the differentiation level. Proteomics Clin Appl. 2009;3:1338-47 pubmed 出版商
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Larriba M, Casado Vela J, Pendás Franco N, Peña R, Garcia de Herreros A, Berciano M, et al. Novel snail1 target proteins in human colon cancer identified by proteomic analysis. PLoS ONE. 2010;5:e10221 pubmed 出版商
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Agarwal B, Ludwig O, Collins B, Cortese C. Immunostaining as an adjunct to cytology for diagnosis of pancreatic adenocarcinoma. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2008;6:1425-31 pubmed 出版商
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Wang Z, Trope C, Suo Z, Trøen G, Yang G, Nesland J, et al. The clinicopathological and prognostic impact of 14-3-3 sigma expression on vulvar squamous cell carcinomas. BMC Cancer. 2008;8:308 pubmed 出版商
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Bhawal U, Sugiyama M, Nomura Y, Kuniyasu H, Tsukinoki K. Loss of 14-3-3 sigma protein expression and presence of human papillomavirus type 16 E6 in oral squamous cell carcinoma. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2008;134:1055-9 pubmed 出版商
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Ripperger T, von Neuhoff N, Kamphues K, Emura M, Lehmann U, Tauscher M, et al. Promoter methylation of PARG1, a novel candidate tumor suppressor gene in mantle-cell lymphomas. Haematologica. 2007;92:460-8 pubmed
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Lin C, Chung M, Chen W, Chien C. Growth inhibitory effect of the human NIT2 gene and its allelic imbalance in cancers. FEBS J. 2007;274:2946-56 pubmed
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Senoo M, Pinto F, Crum C, McKeon F. p63 Is essential for the proliferative potential of stem cells in stratified epithelia. Cell. 2007;129:523-36 pubmed
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Liu Y, Liu H, Han B, Zhang J. Identification of 14-3-3sigma as a contributor to drug resistance in human breast cancer cells using functional proteomic analysis. Cancer Res. 2006;66:3248-55 pubmed
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Hustinx S, Fukushima N, Zahurak M, Riall T, Maitra A, Brosens L, et al. Expression and prognostic significance of 14-3-3sigma and ERM family protein expression in periampullary neoplasms. Cancer Biol Ther. 2005;4:596-601 pubmed
Amaya E, Alarcón L, Martín Tapia D, Cuellar Perez F, Cano Cortina M, Ortega Olvera J, et al. Activation of the Ca2+ sensing receptor and the PKC/WNK4 downstream signaling cascade induces incorporation of ZO-2 to tight junctions and its separation from 14-3-3. Mol Biol Cell. 2019;30:2377-2398 pubmed 出版商
图像 1 :
赛默飞世尔 MA5-11663 图像 1
Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded human skin stained with 14.3.3 sigma antibody using peroxidase-conjugate and AEC chromogen. Note cytoplasmic staining of epidermis.
图像 2 :
赛默飞世尔 MA5-11663 图像 2
产品类型 :
产品名称 :
14-3-3 sigma Monoclonal Antibody (1433S01)
目录# :
规格 :
定价 :
克隆性 :
纯度 :
宿主 :
反应物种 :
应用 :
Immunocytochemistry: 1:10-1:200, Immunohistochemistry (Paraffin): 2-4 µg/mL, Immunoprecipitation: 2 µg/mL, Western Blot: 1 µg/mL
物种 :
克隆 :
抗体亚型 :
IgG1, kappa
储存 :
4° C
描述 :
This gene encodes a cell cycle checkpoint protein. The encoded protein binds to translation and initiation factors and functions as a regulator of mitotic translation. In response to DNA damage this protein plays a role in preventing DNA errors during mitosis.
免疫原 :
Recombinant human 1433 sigma protein
格式 :
应用w/稀释 :
Immunocytochemistry: 1:10-1:200, Immunohistochemistry (Paraffin): 2-4 µg/mL, Immunoprecipitation: 2 µg/mL, Western Blot: 1 µg/mL
别名 :
14-3-3 protein sigma; 14-3-3 sigma; 14-3-3 sigma protein; 14-3-3sigma; epithelial cell marker protein 1; Er; HGNC:10773; HME1; Mkrn3; Mme1; SFN; Stratifin; tyrosine 3-monooxygenase/tryptophan 5-monooxygenase activation protein, sigma polypeptide; Ywhas
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公司总部: 美国