公司名称 :
其他品牌 :
NeoMarkers, Lab Vision, Endogen, Pierce, BioSource International, Zymed Laboratories, Caltag, Molecular Probes, Research Genetics, Life Technologies, Applied Biosystems, GIBCO BRL, ABgene, Dynal, Affinity BioReagents, Nunc, Invitrogen, NatuTec, Oxoid, Richard-Allan Scientific, Arcturus, Perseptive Biosystems, Proxeon, eBioscience
产品类型 :
产品名称 :
Calponin 1 Monoclonal Antibody (CALP)
目录 :
规格 :
价格 :
克隆性 :
宿主 :
共轭标签 :
克隆名称 :
反应物种 :
人类, 小鼠, 大鼠
应用 :
免疫印迹, 免疫组化, 免疫细胞化学, 免疫组化-石蜡切片
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文章摘录数: 7
  • 免疫细胞化学; 人类; 1:200; 图 2e
Evdokiou A, Kanisicak O, Gierek S, BARRY A, Ivey M, Zhang X, et al. Characterization of Burn Eschar Pericytes. J Clin Med. 2020;9: pubmed 出版商
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Cheng Y, Sheng W, Zhou X, Wang J. Pericardial synovial sarcoma, a potential for misdiagnosis: clinicopathologic and molecular cytogenetic analysis of three cases with literature review. Am J Clin Pathol. 2012;137:142-9 pubmed 出版商
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Borak S, Siegal G, Reddy V, Jhala N, Jhala D. Metastatic inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor identified by EUS-FNA in mediastinal lymph nodes with ancillary FISH studies for ALK rearrangement. Diagn Cytopathol. 2012;40 Suppl 2:E118-25 pubmed 出版商
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Romeo S, Eyden B, Prins F, Briaire de Bruijn I, Taminiau A, Hogendoorn P. TGF-beta1 drives partial myofibroblastic differentiation in chondromyxoid fibroma of bone. J Pathol. 2006;208:26-34 pubmed
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Liu C, Zhang L, Jiang Y, Chatterjee D, Croce C, Huebner K, et al. Modulation of gene expression in precancerous rat esophagus by dietary zinc deficit and replenishment. Cancer Res. 2005;65:7790-9 pubmed
Ferland D, Darios E, Neubig R, Sjögren B, Truong N, Torres R, et al. Chemerin-induced arterial contraction is Gi- and calcium-dependent. Vascul Pharmacol. 2017;88:30-41 pubmed 出版商
Pizzagalli F, Varga Z, Huber R, Folkers G, Meier P, St Pierre M. Identification of steroid sulfate transport processes in the human mammary gland. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2003;88:3902-12 pubmed
图像 1 :
赛默飞世尔 MA5-11620 图像 1
Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded human breast stained with Calponin antibody using peroxidase-conjugate and AEC chromogen. Note cytoplasmic staining of myoepithelial cells in the lactiferous ducts.
产品类型 :
产品名称 :
Calponin 1 Monoclonal Antibody (CALP)
目录# :
规格 :
定价 :
克隆性 :
纯度 :
宿主 :
反应物种 :
人类, 小鼠, 大鼠
应用 :
Immunocytochemistry: 2 µg/mL, Immunohistochemistry (Paraffin): 1:800-1:1600, Western Blot: 1:1,000
物种 :
人类, 小鼠, 大鼠
克隆 :
抗体亚型 :
IgG1, kappa
储存 :
4° C
描述 :
Calponin, a thin filament associated protein is implicated in the regulation and modulation of smooth muscle contraction. It is capable of binding to actin, calmodulin, troponin C and tropomyosin. Calponin is expressed in smooth muscle and tissues containing significant amounts of smooth muscle. Two isoforms of calponin exist whose molecular weights are 34kDa and 29kDa. Expression of the 29kDa form is primarily restricted to muscle of the urogenital tract. The expression of calponin has also been demonstrated in myoepithelial cells from benign and malignant breast lesions. It stains smooth muscle, myoepithelial cells, myofibroblasts, keratinocytes and nerve fibers. It identifies myoepithelial cells in breast lesions, and helps differentiate breast collagenous spherulosis (positive) from adenoid cystic carcinoma. Adenoid cystic carcinoma in salivary gland tumors is calponin positive.
免疫原 :
Crude human uterus extract
格式 :
应用w/稀释 :
Immunocytochemistry: 2 µg/mL, Immunohistochemistry (Paraffin): 1:800-1:1600, Western Blot: 1:1,000
别名 :
Basic calponin; calponin; calponin 1; calponin 1, basic, smooth muscle; calponin 1, smooth muscle; calponin H1, smooth muscle; Calponin-1; calponins, basic; CN; CNN1; CnnI; epididymis secretory protein Li 14; h1-calponin; HEL-S-14; similar to calponin 1, basic, smooth muscle; Sm-Calp; SMCC; smooth muscle calponin h1
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公司总部: 美国