Aconitase 2 Polyclonal Antibody
目录: PA5-19269
domestic goat 多克隆
反应物种: 人类, 小鼠, 大鼠, pigs
应用: 免疫印迹, 免疫组化, 免疫组化-石蜡切片
文章摘录数: 1
Aconitase 2 Monoclonal Antibody (7G4)
目录: MA1-029
小鼠 单克隆 (7G4)
反应物种: 人类, 小鼠, 大鼠
应用: 免疫印迹, 免疫组化, 免疫细胞化学

Immunofluorescent analysis of Aco-2 using anti-Aco-2 monoclonal antibody (Product# MA1-029) (shown in green) in HeLa cells. Formalin fixed cells were permeabilized with 0.1% Triton X-100 in TBS for 10 minutes at room temperature. Cells were then blocked with 1% Blocker BSA (Product #37525) for 15 minutes at room temperature. Cells were probed with a mouse monoclonal antibody recognizing Aco-2 (Product# MA1-029), at a dilution of 1:100 for at least 1 hour at room temperature. Cells were then washed with PBS and incubated with DyLight 488 goat-anti-mouse secondary antibody (Product# 35503) at a dilution of 1:400 for 30 minutes at room temperature. Nuclei (blue) were stained with Hoechst 33342 dye (Product# 62249). Images were taken on a Thermo Scientific ArrayScan at 20X magnification.

Immunohistochemistry was performed on cancer biopsies of deparaffinized human colon, myocardial, hepatic and renal cell carcinoma tissues. To expose target proteins heat induced antigen retrieval was performed using 10mM sodium citrate (pH6.0) buffer for 20 minutes at 95°C. Following antigen retrieval tissues were blocked in 10% normal goat serum (Product #31873) for 20 minutes at room temperature. Tissues were then probed at a dilution of 1:800 with a mouse monoclonal antibody recognizing Aco-2 (Product # MA1-029) overnight at 4°C in a humidified chamber. Detection was performed using a goat anti-mouse HRP secondary antibody followed by colorimetric detection using DAB substrate. Tissues were counterstained with hematoxylin and prepped for mounting. Images were taken at 400X magnification. Results demonstrate cytoplasmic localization of mitochondrial aconitase 2.

Western blot analysis of Aco-2 was performed by loading 25ug of whole cell lysate from Aco-2 SMART pool siRNA (Product# L-009566-01-0005) transfected or non-targeting control (Product# D-001810-10) transfected MCF7 cells onto a 4-20% Tris-HCl polyacrylamide gel. Proteins were transferred to a PVDF membrane and blocked with 5% Milk/TBST for at least 1 hour. Membranes were probed with Aco-2 mouse monoclonal antibody (Product # MA1-029) at a dilution of 1:1000 overnight at 4°C on a rocking platform. Membranes were washed in TBS-0.1%Tween 20 and probed with a goat anti-mouse-HRP secondary antibody (Product # 31430) at a dilution of 1:20,000 for at least one hour. Membranes were washed and chemiluminescent detection performed using Super Signal West Dura (Product #34075).
规格: 100微克
价格: 美国471.00
Aconitase 2 Monoclonal Antibody (7G4)
目录: MA1-029X
小鼠 单克隆 (7G4)
反应物种: 人类, 小鼠, 大鼠
应用: 免疫印迹, 免疫组化, 免疫细胞化学

Immunohistochemistry was performed on cancer biopsies of deparaffinized human colon, myocardial, hepatic and renal cell carcinoma tissues. To expose target proteins heat induced antigen retrieval was performed using 10 mM sodium citrate (pH6.0) buffer for 20 minutes at 95C. Following antigen retrieval tissues were blocked in 10% normal goat serum (Product #31873) for 20 minutes at room temperature. Tissues were then probed at a dilution of 1:800 with a mouse monoclonal antibody recognizing Aco-2 (Product # MA1-029) overnight at 4C in a humidified chamber. Detection was performed using a goat anti-mouse HRP secondary antibody followed by colorimetric detection using DAB substrate. Tissues were counterstained with hematoxylin and prepped for mounting. Images were taken at 400X magnification. Results demonstrate cytoplasmic localization of mitochondrial aconitase 2.

Immunofluorescent analysis of Aco-2 using anti-Aco-2 monoclonal antibody (Product# MA1-029) (shown in green) in HeLa cells. Formalin fixed cells were permeabilized with 0.1% Triton X-100 in TBS for 10 minutes at room temperature. Cells were then blocked with 1% Blocker BSA (Product #37525) for 15 minutes at room temperature. Cells were probed with a mouse monoclonal antibody recognizing Aco-2 (Product# MA1-029), at a dilution of 1:100 for at least 1 hour at room temperature. Cells were then washed with PBS and incubated with DyLight 488 goat-anti-mouse secondary antibody (Product# 35503) at a dilution of 1:400 for 30 minutes at room temperature. Nuclei (blue) were stained with Hoechst 33342 dye (Product# 62249). Images were taken on a Thermo Scientific ArrayScan at 20X magnification.

Western blot analysis of Aco-2 was performed by loading 25ug of various whole cell lysates onto a 4-20% Tris-HCl polyacrylamide gel. Proteins were transferred to a PVDF membrane and blocked with 5% Milk/TBST for at least 1 hour. Membranes were probed with a mouse monoclonal antibody recognizing Aco-2 (Product # MA1-029) at a dilution of 1:1000 overnight at 4°C on a rocking platform. Membranes were washed in TBS-0.1% Tween 20 and probed with a goat anti-mouse-HRP secondary antibody (Product # 31430) at a dilution of 1:20,000 for at least one hour. Membranes were washed and chemiluminescent detection performed using Super Signal West Dura (Product #34075).
规格: 20微升
价格: 美国179.00
小鼠 单克隆 (7G4)
反应物种: 人类, 小鼠, 大鼠
共轭标签: AF647
应用: 免疫细胞化学
规格: 50微升
价格: 美国370.00
Aconitase 2 Polyclonal Antibody
目录: PA5-81920
domestic rabbit 多克隆
反应物种: 人类, 小鼠, 大鼠
应用: 免疫印迹, 免疫组化, 免疫细胞化学
规格: 100微升
价格: 美国500.00
Aconitase 2 Polyclonal Antibody
目录: PA5-86968
domestic rabbit 多克隆
反应物种: 人类, 小鼠, 大鼠
应用: 免疫印迹, 免疫细胞化学
规格: 100微升
价格: 美国460.00
Aconitase 2 Polyclonal Antibody
目录: PA5-96252
domestic rabbit 多克隆
反应物种: 人类, 小鼠, 大鼠
应用: 免疫印迹, 免疫组化, 免疫组化-石蜡切片
规格: 100微升
价格: 美国446.00
domestic rabbit 重组 (ARC1072)
反应物种: 人类, 小鼠, 大鼠
应用: 免疫印迹, 免疫组化, 免疫细胞化学, 免疫组化-石蜡切片
规格: 100微升
价格: 美国436.00
Aconitase 2 Polyclonal Antibody
目录: PA5-114812
domestic rabbit 多克隆
反应物种: 人类, 小鼠, 大鼠
应用: 免疫印迹, 免疫组化
规格: 100微升
价格: 美国446.00
Aconitase 2 Polyclonal Antibody, Biotin
目录: PA5-142549
domestic goat 多克隆
反应物种: 人类, 小鼠, 大鼠, pigs
共轭标签: 生物素
应用: 免疫印迹
规格: 100微克
价格: 美国426.00