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NeoMarkers, Lab Vision, Endogen, Pierce, BioSource International, Zymed Laboratories, Caltag, Molecular Probes, Research Genetics, Life Technologies, Applied Biosystems, GIBCO BRL, ABgene, Dynal, Affinity BioReagents, Nunc, Invitrogen, NatuTec, Oxoid, Richard-Allan Scientific, Arcturus, Perseptive Biosystems, Proxeon, eBioscience
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人类, 小鼠, 大鼠, 国内马
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免疫印迹, 酶联免疫吸附测定, 免疫组化, 免疫细胞化学, 免疫沉淀, 免疫组化-石蜡切片, 免疫组化-冰冻切片
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文章摘录数: 33
  • 免疫组化; 人类; 1:100; 图 3a, 5a
Tabariès S, Annis M, Lazaris A, Petrillo S, Huxham J, Abdellatif A, et al. Claudin-2 promotes colorectal cancer liver metastasis and is a biomarker of the replacement type growth pattern. Commun Biol. 2021;4:657 pubmed 出版商
  • 免疫印迹; 小鼠; 1:1000; 图 6d
Xing T, Benderman L, Sabu S, Parker J, Yang J, Lu Q, et al. Tight Junction Protein Claudin-7 Is Essential for Intestinal Epithelial Stem Cell Self-Renewal and Differentiation. Cell Mol Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2020;9:641-659 pubmed 出版商
  • 免疫细胞化学; 小鼠; 图 4d
Miyoshi H, VanDussen K, Malvin N, Ryu S, Wang Y, Sonnek N, et al. Prostaglandin E2 promotes intestinal repair through an adaptive cellular response of the epithelium. EMBO J. 2017;36:5-24 pubmed 出版商
  • 免疫组化-冰冻切片; 小鼠; 1:50; 图 9
  • 免疫印迹; 小鼠; 1:1000; 图 5
Dianati E, Poiraud J, Weber Ouellette A, Plante I. Connexins, E-cadherin, Claudin-7 and ?-catenin transiently form junctional nexuses during the post-natal mammary gland development. Dev Biol. 2016;416:52-68 pubmed 出版商
  • 免疫组化-石蜡切片; 小鼠; 图 1
Kobayashi K, Tsugami Y, Matsunaga K, Oyama S, Kuki C, Kumura H. Prolactin and glucocorticoid signaling induces lactation-specific tight junctions concurrent with ?-casein expression in mammary epithelial cells. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2016;1863:2006-16 pubmed 出版商
  • 免疫组化-石蜡切片; 国内马; 图 4
  • 免疫印迹; 国内马; 1:1000; 图 1
Lee B, Kang H, Lee D, Ahn C, Jeung E. Claudin-1, -2, -4, and -5: comparison of expression levels and distribution in equine tissues. J Vet Sci. 2016;17:445-451 pubmed 出版商
Jia H, Zhang Y, Si X, Jin Y, Jiang D, Dai Z, et al. Quercetin Alleviates Oxidative Damage by Activating Nuclear Factor Erythroid 2-Related Factor 2 Signaling in Porcine Enterocytes. Nutrients. 2021;13: pubmed 出版商
Cray P, Sheahan B, Cortes J, Dekaney C. Doxorubicin increases permeability of murine small intestinal epithelium and cultured T84 monolayers. Sci Rep. 2020;10:21486 pubmed 出版商
Uc P, Miranda J, Raya Sandino A, Alarcón L, Roldán M, Ocadiz Delgado R, et al. E7 oncoprotein from human papillomavirus 16 alters claudins expression and the sealing of epithelial tight junctions. Int J Oncol. 2020;57:905-924 pubmed 出版商
Choi J, Park J, Tsagkogeorga G, Yanagita M, Koo B, Han N, et al. Inflammatory Signals Induce AT2 Cell-Derived Damage-Associated Transient Progenitors that Mediate Alveolar Regeneration. Cell Stem Cell. 2020;27:366-382.e7 pubmed 出版商
Kobayashi Y, Tata A, Konkimalla A, Katsura H, Lee R, Ou J, et al. Persistence of a regeneration-associated, transitional alveolar epithelial cell state in pulmonary fibrosis. Nat Cell Biol. 2020;22:934-946 pubmed 出版商
Li J, Gordon J, Chen E, Xiao S, Wu L, Zuniga Pflucker J, et al. NOTCH1 signaling establishes the medullary thymic epithelial cell progenitor pool during mouse fetal development. Development. 2020;147: pubmed 出版商
Mehdizadeh Gohari I, Li J, Navarro M, Uzal F, McClane B. Effects of Claudin-1 on the Action of Clostridium perfringens Enterotoxin in Caco-2 Cells. Toxins (Basel). 2019;11: pubmed 出版商
Gamero Estévez E, Andonian S, Jean Claude B, Gupta I, Ryan A. Temporal Effects of Quercetin on Tight Junction Barrier Properties and Claudin Expression and Localization in MDCK II Cells. Int J Mol Sci. 2019;20: pubmed 出版商
Miranda J, Martín Tapia D, Valdespino Vazquez Y, Alarcón L, Espejel Nuñez A, Guzmán Huerta M, et al. Syncytiotrophoblast of Placentae from Women with Zika Virus Infection Has Altered Tight Junction Protein Expression and Increased Paracellular Permeability. Cells. 2019;8: pubmed 出版商
Wagner T, Beer L, Gschwandtner M, Eckhart L, Kalinina P, Laggner M, et al. The differentiation-associated keratinocyte protein cornifelin contributes to cell-cell adhesion of epidermal and mucosal keratinocytes. J Invest Dermatol. 2019;: pubmed 出版商
Ouyang X, Dong C, Ubogu E. In situ molecular characterization of endoneurial microvessels that form the blood-nerve barrier in normal human adult peripheral nerves. J Peripher Nerv Syst. 2019;24:195-206 pubmed 出版商
Becker J, Ott D, Diener M. Impact of Sensitization and Inflammation on the Interaction of Mast Cells With the Intestinal Epithelium in Rats. Front Physiol. 2019;10:329 pubmed 出版商
Jang Y, Kim W, Han D, Lee K, Ko G. Lactobacillus fermentum species ameliorate dextran sulfate sodium-induced colitis by regulating the immune response and altering gut microbiota. Gut Microbes. 2019;10:696-711 pubmed 出版商
Suzuki K, Sentani K, Tanaka H, Yano T, Suzuki K, Oshima M, et al. Deficiency of Stomach-Type Claudin-18 in Mice Induces Gastric Tumor Formation Independent of H pylori Infection. Cell Mol Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2019;8:119-142 pubmed 出版商
Lashhab R, Rumley A, Arutyunov D, Rizvi M, You C, Dimke H, et al. The kidney anion exchanger 1 affects tight junction properties via claudin-4. Sci Rep. 2019;9:3099 pubmed 出版商
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Palladino S, Helton E, Jain P, Dong C, Crowley M, Crossman D, et al. The Human Blood-Nerve Barrier Transcriptome. Sci Rep. 2017;7:17477 pubmed 出版商
Shimada H, Satohisa S, Kohno T, Konno T, Takano K, Takahashi S, et al. Downregulation of lipolysis-stimulated lipoprotein receptor promotes cell invasion via claudin-1-mediated matrix metalloproteinases in human endometrial cancer. Oncol Lett. 2017;14:6776-6782 pubmed 出版商
Ahmad R, Rah B, Bastola D, Dhawan P, Singh A. Obesity-induces Organ and Tissue Specific Tight Junction Restructuring and Barrier Deregulation by Claudin Switching. Sci Rep. 2017;7:5125 pubmed 出版商
Gao X, Bali A, Randell S, Hogan B. GRHL2 coordinates regeneration of a polarized mucociliary epithelium from basal stem cells. J Cell Biol. 2015;211:669-82 pubmed 出版商
Gruber R, Börnchen C, Rose K, Daubmann A, Volksdorf T, Wladykowski E, et al. Diverse regulation of claudin-1 and claudin-4 in atopic dermatitis. Am J Pathol. 2015;185:2777-89 pubmed 出版商
Lu Z, Kim D, Fan J, Lu Q, Verbanac K, Ding L, et al. A non-tight junction function of claudin-7-Interaction with integrin signaling in suppressing lung cancer cell proliferation and detachment. Mol Cancer. 2015;14:120 pubmed 出版商
Staat C, Coisne C, Dabrowski S, Stamatovic S, Andjelkovic A, Wolburg H, et al. Mode of action of claudin peptidomimetics in the transient opening of cellular tight junction barriers. Biomaterials. 2015;54:9-20 pubmed 出版商
Overgaard C, Schlingmann B, Dorsainvil White S, Ward C, Fan X, Swarnakar S, et al. The relative balance of GM-CSF and TGF-β1 regulates lung epithelial barrier function. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2015;308:L1212-23 pubmed 出版商
Ward C, Schlingmann B, Stecenko A, Guidot D, Koval M. NF-κB inhibitors impair lung epithelial tight junctions in the absence of inflammation. Tissue Barriers. 2015;3:e982424 pubmed 出版商
Fredriksson K, Van Itallie C, Aponte A, Gucek M, Tietgens A, Anderson J. Proteomic analysis of proteins surrounding occludin and claudin-4 reveals their proximity to signaling and trafficking networks. PLoS ONE. 2015;10:e0117074 pubmed 出版商
García Hernández V, Flores Maldonado C, Rincon Heredia R, Verdejo Torres O, Bonilla Delgado J, Meneses Morales I, et al. EGF regulates claudin-2 and -4 expression through Src and STAT3 in MDCK cells. J Cell Physiol. 2015;230:105-15 pubmed 出版商
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克隆性 :
纯度 :
宿主 :
反应物种 :
小鼠, 大鼠
应用 :
ELISA: 0.1-1 µg/mL, Immunocytochemistry: Assay-dependent, Immunoprecipitation: 1-3 µg/mL, Western Blot: 1-3 µg/mL
物种 :
小鼠, 大鼠
克隆 :
抗体亚型 :
储存 :
描述 :
Claudin-4 belongs to the 20-member family of claudins, transmembrane cellular adhesion proteins localized at epithelial and endothelial tight junctions. Claudins demonstrate distinct, tissue-specific expression patterns, and are essential components of tight junction charge-specific channels that regulate paracellular ion flux. Claudin-4 is a component of tight junction strands and may play a role in internal organ development and function during pre- and postnatal life. The overexpression of Claudin-4 has been shown to decrease paracellular electrical conductance due to a selective decrease in Na+ permeability, with no significant decrease in Cl - permeability. In ovarian carcinoma cells, Claudin-3 and Claudin-4 exhibit upregulation at both mRNA and protein levels. Claudin-4 is also overexpressed in pancreatic cancer tissues and cell lines, and in other epithelial cancers. The Claudin-4 gene is deleted in Williams-Beuren syndrome, a neurodevelopmental disorder affecting multiple systems.
免疫原 :
Synthetic peptide derived from the C-terminal region of mouse Claudin-4
格式 :
应用w/稀释 :
ELISA: 0.1-1 µg/mL, Immunocytochemistry: Assay-dependent, Immunoprecipitation: 1-3 µg/mL, Western Blot: 1-3 µg/mL
别名 :
Cep-r; claudin 4; CLAUDIN4; claudin-4; CLDN4; Clostridium perfringens enterotoxin receptor; Clostridium perfringens enterotoxin receptor 1; CPER; CPE-R; CPE-receptor; Cpetr; CPETR1; h CPE-receptor; hCPE-R; WBSCR8; Williams-Beuren syndrome chromosomal region 8 protein
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