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NeoMarkers, Lab Vision, Endogen, Pierce, BioSource International, Zymed Laboratories, Caltag, Molecular Probes, Research Genetics, Life Technologies, Applied Biosystems, GIBCO BRL, ABgene, Dynal, Affinity BioReagents, Nunc, Invitrogen, NatuTec, Oxoid, Richard-Allan Scientific, Arcturus, Perseptive Biosystems, Proxeon, eBioscience
产品类型 :
产品名称 :
CD73 Monoclonal Antibody (AD2), PE, eBioscience™
目录 :
规格 :
价格 :
克隆性 :
宿主 :
共轭标签 :
克隆名称 :
反应物种 :
应用 :
免疫细胞化学, 流式细胞仪
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文章摘录数: 18
  • 免疫细胞化学; 人类; 图 2
Ali H, Al Yatama M, Abu Farha M, Behbehani K, Al Madhoun A. Multi-lineage differentiation of human umbilical cord Wharton's Jelly Mesenchymal Stromal Cells mediates changes in the expression profile of stemness markers. PLoS ONE. 2015;10:e0122465 pubmed 出版商
Wang Y, Fu Y, Yan Z, Zhang X, Pei M. Impact of Fibronectin Knockout on Proliferation and Differentiation of Human Infrapatellar Fat Pad-Derived Stem Cells. Front Bioeng Biotechnol. 2019;7:321 pubmed 出版商
Menon V, Thomas R, Elgueta C, Horl M, Osborn T, Hallett P, et al. Comprehensive Cell Surface Antigen Analysis Identifies Transferrin Receptor Protein-1 (CD71) as a Negative Selection Marker for Human Neuronal Cells. Stem Cells. 2019;37:1293-1306 pubmed 出版商
Wang D, Jiang X, Lu A, Tu M, Huang W, Huang P. BMP14 induces tenogenic differentiation of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells in vitro. Exp Ther Med. 2018;16:1165-1174 pubmed 出版商
Mieczkowska A, Schumacher A, Filipowicz N, Wardowska A, Zielinski M, Madanecki P, et al. Immunophenotyping and transcriptional profiling of in vitro cultured human adipose tissue derived stem cells. Sci Rep. 2018;8:11339 pubmed 出版商
Yang R, Yu T, Kou X, Gao X, Chen C, Liu D, et al. Tet1 and Tet2 maintain mesenchymal stem cell homeostasis via demethylation of the P2rX7 promoter. Nat Commun. 2018;9:2143 pubmed 出版商
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Fujishiro A, Miura Y, Iwasa M, Fujii S, Sugino N, Andoh A, et al. Effects of acute exposure to low-dose radiation on the characteristics of human bone marrow mesenchymal stromal/stem cells. Inflamm Regen. 2017;37:19 pubmed 出版商
Li J, Mao Q, He J, She H, Zhang Z, Yin C. Human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells improve the reserve function of perimenopausal ovary via a paracrine mechanism. Stem Cell Res Ther. 2017;8:55 pubmed 出版商
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Zhu N, Wang H, Wang B, Wei J, Shan W, Feng J, et al. A Member of the Nuclear Receptor Superfamily, Designated as NR2F2, Supports the Self-Renewal Capacity and Pluripotency of Human Bone Marrow-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells. Stem Cells Int. 2016;2016:5687589 pubmed 出版商
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Umezaki Y, Hashimoto Y, Nishishita N, Kawamata S, Baba S. Human Gingival Integration-Free iPSCs; a Source for MSC-Like Cells. Int J Mol Sci. 2015;16:13633-48 pubmed 出版商
Feng Y, Zhu M, Dangelmajer S, Lee Y, Wijesekera O, Castellanos C, et al. Hypoxia-cultured human adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells are non-oncogenic and have enhanced viability, motility, and tropism to brain cancer. Cell Death Dis. 2014;5:e1567 pubmed 出版商
Mendez J, Ghaedi M, Sivarapatna A, Dimitrievska S, Shao Z, Osuji C, et al. Mesenchymal stromal cells form vascular tubes when placed in fibrin sealant and accelerate wound healing in vivo. Biomaterials. 2015;40:61-71 pubmed 出版商
Cuerquis J, Romieu Mourez R, Francois M, Routy J, Young Y, Zhao J, et al. Human mesenchymal stromal cells transiently increase cytokine production by activated T cells before suppressing T-cell proliferation: effect of interferon-? and tumor necrosis factor-? stimulation. Cytotherapy. 2014;16:191-202 pubmed 出版商
Mendez J, Ghaedi M, Steinbacher D, Niklason L. Epithelial cell differentiation of human mesenchymal stromal cells in decellularized lung scaffolds. Tissue Eng Part A. 2014;20:1735-46 pubmed 出版商
产品类型 :
产品名称 :
CD73 Monoclonal Antibody (AD2), PE, eBioscience™
目录# :
规格 :
价格(美元) :
克隆性 :
纯度 :
宿主 :
反应物种 :
应用 :
Flow Cytometry: 5 µL (0.125 µg)/test
物种 :
克隆 :
抗体亚型 :
IgG1, kappa
储存 :
4° C, store in dark, DO NOT FREEZE!
描述 :
CD73 (Ecto-5-prime-nucleotidase, 5-prime-ribonucleotide phosphohydrolase) catalyzes the conversion at neutral pH of purine 5-prime mononucleotides to nucleosides, the preferred substrate being AMP. CD73 consists of a dimer of 2 identical 70 kDa subunits bound externally to the plasma membrane by a glycosyl phosphatidyl inositol linkage. CD73 is used as a marker of lymphocyte differentiation. Consequently, a deficiency of CD73 occurs in a variety of immunodeficiency diseases. Other forms of 5-prime nucleotidase exist in the cytoplasm and lysosomes and can be distinguished from CD73 by their substrate affinities, requirement for divalent magnesium ion, activation by ATP, and inhibition by inorganic phosphate. The CD73 gene has been localized to 6q14-q21 by immunofluorescence and a study of a panel of human x mouse hybrids that contained fragments of chromosome 6 as translocations. Defects in the CD73 gene can lead to the calcification of joints and arteries, and intestinal tuberculosis. Two transcript variants encoding different isoforms of CD73 have been found.
格式 :
应用w/稀释 :
Flow Cytometry: 5 µL (0.125 µg)/test
别名 :
2210401F01Rik; 5 nucleotidase, ecto; 5' nucleotidase, ecto; 5'-NT; 5'-nucleotidase; 5'-nucleotidase ecto; 5'-nucleotidase, ecto (CD73); AI447961; CALJA; CD73; E5NT; Ecto-5'-nucleotidase; eN; eNT; NT; Nt5; Nt5e; Nte; Purine 5-Prime-Nucleotidase
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