公司名称 :
Enzo Life Sciences
其他品牌 :
Stressgen, BioMol, Alexis Corporation, Assay Designs, Alexis
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应用 :
免疫组化, 免疫细胞化学, 流式细胞仪, 免疫组化-石蜡切片
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文章摘录数: 13
  • 免疫组化-石蜡切片; 人类
Kwan P, Li H, Al Jufairi E, Abdulla R, Gonzales M, Kaye A, et al. Association between temporal lobe P-glycoprotein expression and seizure recurrence after surgery for pharmacoresistant temporal lobe epilepsy. Neurobiol Dis. 2010;39:192-7 pubmed 出版商
Kita H, Okamoto K, Kushima R, Kawauchi A, Chano T. Dimethyl sulfoxide induces chemotherapeutic resistance in the treatment of testicular embryonal carcinomas. Oncol Lett. 2015;10:661-666 pubmed
Willyerd F, Empey P, Philbrick A, Ikonomovic M, Puccio A, Kochanek P, et al. Expression of ATP-Binding Cassette Transporters B1 and C1 after Severe Traumatic Brain Injury in Humans. J Neurotrauma. 2016;33:226-31 pubmed 出版商
Feldmann M, Asselin M, Liu J, Wang S, McMahon A, Anton Rodriguez J, et al. P-glycoprotein expression and function in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy: a case-control study. Lancet Neurol. 2013;12:777-85 pubmed 出版商
Jillella A, Murren J, Hamid K, Longley B, Edelson R, Cooper D. P-glycoprotein expression and multidrug resistance in cutaneous T-cell lymphoma. Cancer Invest. 2000;18:609-13 pubmed
Scheffer G, Kool M, Heijn M, de Haas M, Pijnenborg A, Wijnholds J, et al. Specific detection of multidrug resistance proteins MRP1, MRP2, MRP3, MRP5, and MDR3 P-glycoprotein with a panel of monoclonal antibodies. Cancer Res. 2000;60:5269-77 pubmed
Coley H, Verrill M, Gregson S, Odell D, Fisher C, Judson I. Incidence of P-glycoprotein overexpression and multidrug resistance (MDR) reversal in adult soft tissue sarcoma. Eur J Cancer. 2000;36:881-8 pubmed
Meijer G, Schroeijers A, Flens M, Meuwissen S, van der Valk P, Baak J, et al. Increased expression of multidrug resistance related proteins Pgp, MRP1, and LRP/MVP occurs early in colorectal carcinogenesis. J Clin Pathol. 1999;52:450-4 pubmed
Kim Y, Cho S, Lee K, Hahm K, Wang H, Yim H, et al. Tc-99m MIBI SPECT is useful for noninvasively predicting the presence of MDR1 gene-encoded P-glycoprotein in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. Clin Nucl Med. 1999;24:874-9 pubmed
Sawada T, Kato Y, Sakayori N, Takekawa Y, Kobayashi M. Expression of the multidrug-resistance P-glycoprotein (Pgp, MDR-1) by endothelial cells of the neovasculature in central nervous system tumors. Brain Tumor Pathol. 1999;16:23-7 pubmed
Poulain S, Lepelley P, Cambier N, Cosson A, Fenaux P, Wattel E. Assessment of P-glycoprotein expression by immunocytochemistry and flow cytometry using two different monoclonal antibodies coupled with functional efflux analysis in 34 patients with acute myeloid leukemia. Adv Exp Med Biol. 1999;457:57-63 pubmed
Jimenez R, Zalupski M, Frank J, Du W, Ryan J, Lucas D. Multidrug resistance phenotype in high grade soft tissue sarcoma: correlation of P-glycoprotein immunohistochemistry with pathologic response to chemotherapy. Cancer. 1999;86:976-81 pubmed
Barg S, Renstrom E, Berggren P, Bertorello A, Bokvist K, Braun M, et al. The stimulatory action of tolbutamide on Ca2+-dependent exocytosis in pancreatic beta cells is mediated by a 65-kDa mdr-like P-glycoprotein. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1999;96:5539-44 pubmed
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Pubmed号列表 :
23786896, 11036468, 11016657, 10785593, 10562814, 10551471, 10532420, 10500780, 10491523, 10318919
克隆 :
抗体亚型 :
物种活性 :
人类, 中国人仓鼠
别名 :
ATP结合转运蛋白B超家族成员1, CD243, p糖蛋白1
免疫原 :
MDR (multidrug resistant) Chinese hamster ovary cells (ChrC5).
特异性 :
Recognizes a highly conserved cytoplasmic epitope of the human P-glycoprotein, the expression of which is strongly correlated with the degree of MDR derived MDR cell lines and human MDR cell lines from lung, ovaries and B cell lymphoma.
缓冲液 :
Liquid. In serum free culture supernatant containing 0.7% BSA and 0.1% sodium azide.
应用摘要 :
FC, 免疫细胞化学, 免疫组化(FS), 免疫组化(PS)
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Enzo Life Sciences
5777 Hines Drive
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
公司总部: 美国
自2007年始,Enzo Life Sciences先后合并ALEXIS Biochemicals、BIOMOL International等公司,为生命科学研究各个领域提供更全面的试剂产品。比如,肿瘤、细胞死亡、表观遗传、基因组学、免疫学、神经科学、信号转导及泛素和蛋白酶体等领域研究,都可以在Enzo Life Sciences中找到相应抗体、酶、蛋白、小分子抑制剂、产品文库及检测kit等产品。