公司名称 :
Developmental Studies Hybridoma Bank
产品类型 :
产品名称 :
tubulin (alpha-)
目录 :
克隆性 :
宿主 :
共轭标签 :
克隆名称 :
反应物种 :
Neogonodactylus oerstedii, Pagurus, Dictyostelium discoideum, 歪尾派, 美国蟑螂, 人类, 小鼠, 黑腹果蝇, 嗜热四膜虫SB210
应用 :
免疫印迹, 免疫组化, 免疫细胞化学, 免疫组化-石蜡切片
文章摘录数: 41
  • 免疫组化; Pagurus; 1:100; 图 1b
Strausfeld N, Sayre M. Mushroom bodies in Reptantia reflect a major transition in crustacean brain evolution. J Comp Neurol. 2020;528:261-282 pubmed 出版商
  • 免疫组化; Neogonodactylus oerstedii; 1:100; 图 2a
Thoen H, Wolff G, Marshall J, Sayre M, Strausfeld N. The reniform body: An integrative lateral protocerebral neuropil complex of Eumalacostraca identified in Stomatopoda and Brachyura. J Comp Neurol. 2019;: pubmed 出版商
  • 免疫细胞化学; 人类; 图 2c
Hariri B, McMahon D, Chen B, Freund J, Mansfield C, Doghramji L, et al. Flavones modulate respiratory epithelial innate immunity: Anti-inflammatory effects and activation of the T2R14 receptor. J Biol Chem. 2017;292:8484-8497 pubmed 出版商
  • 免疫印迹; 人类; 1:5000; 图 6a
Kaukonen R, Mai A, Georgiadou M, Saari M, De Franceschi N, Betz T, et al. Normal stroma suppresses cancer cell proliferation via mechanosensitive regulation of JMJD1a-mediated transcription. Nat Commun. 2016;7:12237 pubmed 出版商
  • 免疫印迹; 人类; 1:2000; 图 3
Ogaki S, Morooka M, Otera K, Kume S. A cost-effective system for differentiation of intestinal epithelium from human induced pluripotent stem cells. Sci Rep. 2015;5:17297 pubmed 出版商
  • 免疫印迹; Dictyostelium discoideum; 1:1000; 图 4f
Santarriaga S, Petersen A, Ndukwe K, Brandt A, GERGES N, Bruns Scaglione J, et al. The Social Amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum Is Highly Resistant to Polyglutamine Aggregation. J Biol Chem. 2015;290:25571-8 pubmed 出版商
  • 免疫印迹; 小鼠; 1:1000
Sun D, Buttitta L. Protein phosphatase 2A promotes the transition to G0 during terminal differentiation in Drosophila. Development. 2015;142:3033-45 pubmed 出版商
  • 免疫印迹; 黑腹果蝇; 1:2000
Lee J, Peng Y, Lin W, Parrish J. Coordinate control of terminal dendrite patterning and dynamics by the membrane protein Raw. Development. 2015;142:162-73 pubmed 出版商
  • 免疫组化-石蜡切片; 小鼠; 1:100
  • 免疫印迹; 小鼠
Siggers P, Carré G, Bogani D, Warr N, Wells S, Hilton H, et al. A novel mouse Fgfr2 mutant, hobbyhorse (hob), exhibits complete XY gonadal sex reversal. PLoS ONE. 2014;9:e100447 pubmed 出版商
  • 免疫印迹; 人类
Hauerslev S, Sveen M, Vissing J, Krag T. Protein turnover and cellular stress in mildly and severely affected muscles from patients with limb girdle muscular dystrophy type 2I. PLoS ONE. 2013;8:e66929 pubmed 出版商
  • 免疫印迹; 人类
Pe er T, Lahmi R, Sharaby Y, Chorni E, Noach M, Vecsler M, et al. Gas2l3, a novel constriction site-associated protein whose regulation is mediated by the APC/C Cdh1 complex. PLoS ONE. 2013;8:e57532 pubmed 出版商
  • 免疫组化-石蜡切片; 美国蟑螂
  • 免疫组化-石蜡切片; 歪尾派
Wolff G, Harzsch S, Hansson B, Brown S, STRAUSFELD N. Neuronal organization of the hemiellipsoid body of the land hermit crab, Coenobita clypeatus: correspondence with the mushroom body ground pattern. J Comp Neurol. 2012;520:2824-46 pubmed 出版商
  • 免疫印迹; 黑腹果蝇; 1:10
Koppen T, Weckmann A, Muller S, Staubach S, Bloch W, Dohmen R, et al. Proteomics analyses of microvesicles released by Drosophila Kc167 and S2 cells. Proteomics. 2011;11:4397-410 pubmed 出版商
Yordanov T, Hipolito V, Liebscher G, Vogel G, Stasyk T, Herrmann C, et al. Biogenesis of lysosome-related organelles complex-1 (BORC) regulates late endosomal/lysosomal size through PIKfyve-dependent phosphatidylinositol-3,5-bisphosphate. Traffic. 2019;20:674-696 pubmed 出版商
Junker A, Soh A, O TOOLE E, Meehl J, Guha M, Winey M, et al. Microtubule glycylation promotes attachment of basal bodies to the cell cortex. J Cell Sci. 2019;132: pubmed 出版商
Wan J, Block S, Scribano C, Thiry R, Esbona K, Audhya A, et al. Mad1 destabilizes p53 by preventing PML from sequestering MDM2. Nat Commun. 2019;10:1540 pubmed 出版商
Dhanda A, Lulic K, Vogl A, Mc Gee M, CHIU R, Guttman J. Listeria Membrane Protrusion Collapse: Requirement of Cyclophilin A for Listeria Cell-to-Cell Spreading. J Infect Dis. 2019;219:145-153 pubmed 出版商
Ogunsakin O, Sriyotha P, Burns T, Hottor T, McCaskill M. Diallyl Disulfide inhibits ethanol-induced pulmonary cell vitamin D and antimicrobial peptide Cathelicidin depletion. Alcohol. 2018;: pubmed 出版商
Haque M, Mohibbullah M, Hong Y, Moon I. Calotropis gigantea Promotes Neuritogenesis and Synaptogenesis through Activation of NGF-TrkA-Erk1/2 Signaling in Rat Hippocampal Neurons. Am J Chin Med. 2018;46:1861-1877 pubmed 出版商
Noree C. Extramitochondrial Assembly of Mitochondrial Targeting Signal Disrupted Mitochondrial Enzyme Aldehyde Dehydrogenase. Sci Rep. 2018;8:6186 pubmed 出版商
Westlake H, Page L. Muscle and nerve net organization in stalked jellyfish (Medusozoa: Staurozoa). J Morphol. 2017;278:29-49 pubmed 出版商
Koizumi M, Shigeno S, Mizunami M, Tanaka N. Three-dimensional brain atlas of pygmy squid, Idiosepius paradoxus, revealing the largest relative vertical lobe system volume among the cephalopods. J Comp Neurol. 2016;524:2142-57 pubmed 出版商
Benbahouche N, Iliopoulos I, Török I, Marhold J, Henri J, Kajava A, et al. Drosophila Spag is the homolog of RNA polymerase II-associated protein 3 (RPAP3) and recruits the heat shock proteins 70 and 90 (Hsp70 and Hsp90) during the assembly of cellular machineries. J Biol Chem. 2014;289:6236-47 pubmed 出版商
Krag T, Hauerslev S, Dahlqvist J, Vissing J. Muscle biopsies off-set normal cellular signaling in surrounding musculature. Neuromuscul Disord. 2013;23:981-5 pubmed 出版商
Alaeddine F, Hemphill A, Debache K, Guionaud C. Molecular cloning and characterization of NcROP2Fam-1, a member of the ROP2 family of rhoptry proteins in Neospora caninum that is targeted by antibodies neutralizing host cell invasion in vitro. Parasitology. 2013;140:1033-50 pubmed 出版商
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内部号码 :
名称 :
Depositor Name :
Frankel, J. / Nelsen, E.M.
Depositor Institution :
University of Iowa
Date Deposited :
Allow Hybridoma Distribution :
Cells Available (legacy) :
抗原 :
tubulin (alpha-)
抗原物种 :
宿主物种 :
抗体亚型 :
Isotype for catalog (legacy) :
Positive Tested Species Reactivity :
Algae,C. elegans,Cephalopod,Dictyostelium,Drosophila,Fish,Hermit Crab,Human,Medusa,Mouse,Protozoa,Saccharomyces,Tetrahymena,Xenopus
Species Tested (legacy) :
multiple species (Tetrhymena, Dictyostelium, human, Saccharomyces)
Initial Publication Pubmed ID :
Collections :
Cytoskeleton,Drosophila antigens,Human,Microbe antibodies,Neurodevelopment,Xenopus
搜索关键词 :
Frankel, Nelsen, tubulin (alpha-), mouse, AB_1157911, MIgG1, Monoclonal, Tetrahymena, Dictyostelium, Human, Saccharomyces, Xenopus, Drosophila, Protozoa, Algae, Fish, C. elegans, Mouse, Hermit crab
抗原分子量 :
Predicted: 49.59 kDa
基因 :
UniProt数据库编号 :
抗体登记处号码 :
免疫原 :
alpha tubulin, Tetrahymena thermophila and Tetrahymena pyriformis (mixture)
免疫原序列 :
克隆性 :
Myeloma Strain :
表位定位 :
Recommended Applications :
FFPE, 免疫荧光, 免疫组化, 免疫印迹
Immunoblotting (legacy) :
免疫组化PubMed IDs :
20189389 19700636 23743240 22893212 21074048
免疫荧光PubMed IDs :
19700636 2895946 23743240 21074048 19643102 22902739 27696494 26663197 26663197 30518234 31243050
免疫印迹PubMed IDs :
24148530 2613100 21813684 29670139 21483833 23213426 20047575 24394412 19524510 30580017 30948704 31314175 29733369
FFPE PubMed IDs :
22318704 19166477 20047575
Depositor Growth Medium :
20% fetal bovine serum in Iscove's DMEM with 1x pen/strep
DSHB增长培养基 :
References (legacy) :
Nature Cell Biol. 4, 256-259.; Dev. Biol. 335, 253-262.; Dev. Cell 23, 533-546.
Developmental Studies Hybridoma Bank
University of Iowa
公司总部: 美国
Developmental Studies Hybridoma Bank (DSHB) 是NIH于1996年创办的国家机构,为生命科学研究领域及诊断领域,提供高质量的抗体等产品。