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Babco, Signet, Sternberger Monoclonals, Senetek, Covance
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人类, 猕猴
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文章摘录数: 18
  • 流式细胞仪; 猕猴; 图 4a
Hu X, Valentin A, Dayton F, Kulkarni V, Alicea C, Rosati M, et al. DNA Prime-Boost Vaccine Regimen To Increase Breadth, Magnitude, and Cytotoxicity of the Cellular Immune Responses to Subdominant Gag Epitopes of Simian Immunodeficiency Virus and HIV. J Immunol. 2016;197:3999-4013 pubmed
  • 流式细胞仪; 人类; 图 1
van der Heiden M, van Zelm M, Bartol S, de Rond L, Berbers G, Boots A, et al. Differential effects of Cytomegalovirus carriage on the immune phenotype of middle-aged males and females. Sci Rep. 2016;6:26892 pubmed 出版商
Vanoni G, Ercolano G, Candiani S, Rutigliani M, Lanata M, Derre L, et al. Human primed ILCPs support endothelial activation through NF-κB signaling. elife. 2021;10: pubmed 出版商
Lavaert M, Valcke B, Vandekerckhove B, Leclercq G, Liang K, Taghon T. Conventional and Computational Flow Cytometry Analyses Reveal Sustained Human Intrathymic T Cell Development From Birth Until Puberty. Front Immunol. 2020;11:1659 pubmed 出版商
Felber B, Lu Z, Hu X, Valentin A, Rosati M, Remmel C, et al. Co-immunization of DNA and Protein in the Same Anatomical Sites Induces Superior Protective Immune Responses against SHIV Challenge. Cell Rep. 2020;31:107624 pubmed 出版商
van Dongen J, van der Burg M, Kalina T, Perez Andres M, Mejstrikova E, Vlkova M, et al. EuroFlow-Based Flowcytometric Diagnostic Screening and Classification of Primary Immunodeficiencies of the Lymphoid System. Front Immunol. 2019;10:1271 pubmed 出版商
Yakoub A, Schulz R, Seiffert M, Sadek M. Autoantigen-Harboring Apoptotic Cells Hijack the Coinhibitory Pathway of T Cell Activation. Sci Rep. 2018;8:10533 pubmed 出版商
Keller B, Zaidman I, Yousefi O, Hershkovitz D, Stein J, Unger S, et al. Early onset combined immunodeficiency and autoimmunity in patients with loss-of-function mutation in LAT. J Exp Med. 2016;213:1185-99 pubmed 出版商
Revel Vilk S, Fischer U, Keller B, Nabhani S, Gámez Díaz L, Rensing Ehl A, et al. Autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome-like disease in patients with LRBA mutation. Clin Immunol. 2015;159:84-92 pubmed 出版商
Buggert M, Frederiksen J, Noyan K, Svärd J, Barqasho B, Sonnerborg A, et al. Multiparametric bioinformatics distinguish the CD4/CD8 ratio as a suitable laboratory predictor of combined T cell pathogenesis in HIV infection. J Immunol. 2014;192:2099-108 pubmed 出版商
Patel V, Jalah R, Kulkarni V, Valentin A, Rosati M, Alicea C, et al. DNA and virus particle vaccination protects against acquisition and confers control of viremia upon heterologous simian immunodeficiency virus challenge. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013;110:2975-80 pubmed 出版商
Nomura T, Yamamoto H, Shiino T, Takahashi N, Nakane T, Iwamoto N, et al. Association of major histocompatibility complex class I haplotypes with disease progression after simian immunodeficiency virus challenge in burmese rhesus macaques. J Virol. 2012;86:6481-90 pubmed 出版商
Leonard J, Filzen T, Carter C, Schaefer M, Collins K. HIV-1 Nef disrupts intracellular trafficking of major histocompatibility complex class I, CD4, CD8, and CD28 by distinct pathways that share common elements. J Virol. 2011;85:6867-81 pubmed 出版商
Ye Z, Lee C, Sun G, Gan Y. Burkholderia pseudomallei infection of T cells leads to T-cell costimulation partially provided by flagellin. Infect Immun. 2008;76:2541-50 pubmed 出版商
Berg M, Zavazava N. Regulation of CD28 expression on CD8+ T cells by CTLA-4. J Leukoc Biol. 2008;83:853-63 pubmed
Magatti M, De Munari S, Vertua E, Gibelli L, Wengler G, Parolini O. Human amnion mesenchyme harbors cells with allogeneic T-cell suppression and stimulation capabilities. Stem Cells. 2008;26:182-92 pubmed
Mitsuhashi M. Ex vivo simulation of drug action: quantification of drug-induced mRNA as a bridge between preclinical and clinical trials. Clin Chem. 2007;53:148-9 pubmed
Sheng W, Chen Y, Wang T. A major role of PKC theta and NFkappaB in the regulation of hTERT in human T lymphocytes. FEBS Lett. 2006;580:6819-24 pubmed
抗原 :
Apps. Abbrev. :
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抗体亚型 :
Mouse IgG1, κ
其他名称 :
T44, Tp44
规格 :
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反应物种 :
Human, Cynomolgus, Rhesus
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应用注释 :
The Ultra-LEAF™ Purified antibody (Endotoxin < 0.01 EU/µg, Azide-Free, 0.2 µm filtered) is recommended for highly sensitive assays.;
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8999 BioLegend Way
San Diego, CA 92121
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