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Babco, Signet, Sternberger Monoclonals, Senetek, Covance
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文章摘录数: 17
  • 流式细胞仪; 人类; 图 1a
Serra Peinado C, Grau Expósito J, Luque Ballesteros L, Astorga Gamaza A, Navarro J, Gallego Rodriguez J, et al. Expression of CD20 after viral reactivation renders HIV-reservoir cells susceptible to Rituximab. Nat Commun. 2019;10:3705 pubmed 出版商
  • 流式细胞仪; 人类; 图 s1c
Wentink M, Dalm V, Lankester A, van Schouwenburg P, Schölvinck L, Kalina T, et al. Genetic defects in PI3K? affect B-cell differentiation and maturation leading to hypogammaglobulineamia and recurrent infections. Clin Immunol. 2017;176:77-86 pubmed 出版商
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Roberts E, Carnathan D, Li H, Shaw G, Silvestri G, Betts M. Collapse of Cytolytic Potential in SIV-Specific CD8+ T Cells Following Acute SIV Infection in Rhesus Macaques. PLoS Pathog. 2016;12:e1006135 pubmed 出版商
  • 流式细胞仪; 猕猴; 图 7a
Kasturi S, Kozlowski P, Nakaya H, Burger M, Russo P, Pham M, et al. Adjuvanting a Simian Immunodeficiency Virus Vaccine with Toll-Like Receptor Ligands Encapsulated in Nanoparticles Induces Persistent Antibody Responses and Enhanced Protection in TRIM5α Restrictive Macaques. J Virol. 2017;91: pubmed 出版商
  • 流式细胞仪; 人类; 图 s4a
Serr I, Fürst R, Ott V, Scherm M, Nikolaev A, Gökmen F, et al. miRNA92a targets KLF2 and the phosphatase PTEN signaling to promote human T follicular helper precursors in T1D islet autoimmunity. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2016;113:E6659-E6668 pubmed
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Keefer M, Zheng B, Rosenberg A, Kobie J. Increased Steady-State Memory B Cell Subsets Among High-Risk Participants in an HIV Vaccine Trial. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2016;32:1143-1148 pubmed
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Cerny D, Thi Le D, The T, Zuest R, Kg S, Velumani S, et al. Complete human CD1a deficiency on Langerhans cells due to a rare point mutation in the coding sequence. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2016;138:1709-1712.e11 pubmed 出版商
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Piepenbrink M, Samuel M, Zheng B, Carter B, Fucile C, Bunce C, et al. Humoral Dysregulation Associated with Increased Systemic Inflammation among Injection Heroin Users. PLoS ONE. 2016;11:e0158641 pubmed 出版商
  • 流式细胞仪; 人类; 图 1
Inui M, Hirota S, Hirano K, Fujii H, Sugahara Tobinai A, Ishii T, et al. Human CD43+ B cells are closely related not only to memory B cells phenotypically but also to plasmablasts developmentally in healthy individuals. Int Immunol. 2015;27:345-55 pubmed 出版商
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Li H, Evans T, Gillis J, Connole M, Reeves R. Bone marrow-imprinted gut-homing of plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs) in acute simian immunodeficiency virus infection results in massive accumulation of hyperfunctional CD4+ pDCs in the mucosae. J Infect Dis. 2015;211:1717-25 pubmed 出版商
Yang R, Mele F, Worley L, Langlais D, Rosain J, Benhsaien I, et al. Human T-bet Governs Innate and Innate-like Adaptive IFN-γ Immunity against Mycobacteria. Cell. 2020;183:1826-1847.e31 pubmed 出版商
Argüello R, Combes A, Char R, Gigan J, Baaziz A, Bousiquot E, et al. SCENITH: A Flow Cytometry-Based Method to Functionally Profile Energy Metabolism with Single-Cell Resolution. Cell Metab. 2020;32:1063-1075.e7 pubmed 出版商
Antonucci L, Porcu C, Timperi E, Santini S, Iannucci G, Balsano C. Circulating Neutrophils of Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis Patients Show an Activated Phenotype and Suppress T Lymphocytes Activity. J Immunol Res. 2020;2020:4570219 pubmed 出版商
Bradley T, Kuraoka M, Yeh C, Tian M, Chen H, Cain D, et al. Immune checkpoint modulation enhances HIV-1 antibody induction. Nat Commun. 2020;11:948 pubmed 出版商
Han Q, Bradley T, Williams W, Cain D, Montefiori D, Saunders K, et al. Neonatal Rhesus Macaques Have Distinct Immune Cell Transcriptional Profiles following HIV Envelope Immunization. Cell Rep. 2020;30:1553-1569.e6 pubmed 出版商
Brown C, Gudjonson H, Pritykin Y, Deep D, Lavallée V, Mendoza A, et al. Transcriptional Basis of Mouse and Human Dendritic Cell Heterogeneity. Cell. 2019;179:846-863.e24 pubmed 出版商
Tran T, Guha R, Portugal S, Skinner J, Ongoiba A, Bhardwaj J, et al. A Molecular Signature in Blood Reveals a Role for p53 in Regulating Malaria-Induced Inflammation. Immunity. 2019;51:750-765.e10 pubmed 出版商
抗原 :
Apps. Abbrev. :
目录 :
克隆 :
产品 :
抗体亚型 :
Mouse IgG2b, κ
其他名称 :
B1, Bp35
规格 :
价格(美元) :
反应物种 :
Human, Cynomolgus, Rhesus
克隆性 :
宿主 :
共轭标签/标签/标记 :
免疫原 :
Human tonsillar B cells
应用注释 :
The epitope recognized by clone 2H7 has been mapped to the sequence YNCEPANPSEKNSPST which lies in the large extracellular loop of human CD20. Additional reported applications (for the relevant formats) include: immunoprecipitation^4 and immunohistochemical staining of acetone-fixed frozen sections^5.;
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