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文章摘录数: 25
  • 流式细胞仪; 人类; 图 2a
Williams P, Basu S, Garcia Manero G, Hourigan C, Oetjen K, Cortes J, et al. The distribution of T-cell subsets and the expression of immune checkpoint receptors and ligands in patients with newly diagnosed and relapsed acute myeloid leukemia. Cancer. 2019;125:1470-1481 pubmed 出版商
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Cottineau J, Kottemann M, Lach F, Kang Y, Vély F, Deenick E, et al. Inherited GINS1 deficiency underlies growth retardation along with neutropenia and NK cell deficiency. J Clin Invest. 2017;127:1991-2006 pubmed 出版商
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Pachnio A, Ciáurriz M, Begum J, Lal N, Zuo J, Beggs A, et al. Cytomegalovirus Infection Leads to Development of High Frequencies of Cytotoxic Virus-Specific CD4+ T Cells Targeted to Vascular Endothelium. PLoS Pathog. 2016;12:e1005832 pubmed 出版商
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Domingues R, de Carvalho G, Aoki V, da Silva Duarte A, Sato M. Activation of myeloid dendritic cells, effector cells and regulatory T cells in lichen planus. J Transl Med. 2016;14:171 pubmed 出版商
  • 流式细胞仪; 人类; 图 s1
Li W, Liu L, Gomez A, Zhang J, Ramadan A, Zhang Q, et al. Proteomics analysis reveals a Th17-prone cell population in presymptomatic graft-versus-host disease. JCI Insight. 2016;1: pubmed 出版商
  • 流式细胞仪; 人类; 图 st1
Trivedi P, Bruns T, Ward S, Mai M, Schmidt C, Hirschfield G, et al. Intestinal CCL25 expression is increased in colitis and correlates with inflammatory activity. J Autoimmun. 2016;68:98-104 pubmed 出版商
  • 流式细胞仪; 人类; 图 8
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Broos C, van Nimwegen M, Kleinjan A, Ten Berge B, Muskens F, In t Veen J, et al. Impaired survival of regulatory T cells in pulmonary sarcoidosis. Respir Res. 2015;16:108 pubmed 出版商
  • 流式细胞仪; 人类; 图 2
DaFonseca S, Niessl J, Pouvreau S, Wacleche V, Gosselin A, Cleret Buhot A, et al. Impaired Th17 polarization of phenotypically naive CD4(+) T-cells during chronic HIV-1 infection and potential restoration with early ART. Retrovirology. 2015;12:38 pubmed 出版商
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Schmueck Henneresse M, Sharaf R, Vogt K, Weist B, Landwehr Kenzel S, Fuehrer H, et al. Peripheral blood-derived virus-specific memory stem T cells mature to functional effector memory subsets with self-renewal potency. J Immunol. 2015;194:5559-67 pubmed 出版商
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Claiborne D, Prince J, Scully E, Macharia G, Micci L, Lawson B, et al. Replicative fitness of transmitted HIV-1 drives acute immune activation, proviral load in memory CD4+ T cells, and disease progression. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2015;112:E1480-9 pubmed 出版商
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Rissiek A, Baumann I, Cuapio A, Mautner A, Kolster M, Arck P, et al. The expression of CD39 on regulatory T cells is genetically driven and further upregulated at sites of inflammation. J Autoimmun. 2015;58:12-20 pubmed 出版商
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Huss D, Mehta D, Sharma A, You X, Riester K, Sheridan J, et al. In vivo maintenance of human regulatory T cells during CD25 blockade. J Immunol. 2015;194:84-92 pubmed
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Canete P, Sweet R, Gonzalez Figueroa P, Papa I, Ohkura N, Bolton H, et al. Regulatory roles of IL-10-producing human follicular T cells. J Exp Med. 2019;: pubmed 出版商
Hsieh W, Hsu T, Chang Y, Lai M. IL-6 receptor blockade corrects defects of XIAP-deficient regulatory T cells. Nat Commun. 2018;9:463 pubmed 出版商
Simons L, Ma K, de Chappedelaine C, Moiranghtem R, Elkaim E, Olivré J, et al. Generation of adult human T-cell progenitors for immunotherapeutic applications. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2018;141:1491-1494.e4 pubmed 出版商
Kaczmarek D, Kokordelis P, Kramer B, Glässner A, Wolter F, Goeser F, et al. Alterations of the NK cell pool in HIV/HCV co-infection. PLoS ONE. 2017;12:e0174465 pubmed 出版商
Trojan K, Zhu L, Aly M, Weimer R, Bulut N, Morath C, et al. Association of peripheral NK cell counts with Helios+ IFN-?- Tregs in patients with good long-term renal allograft function. Clin Exp Immunol. 2017;188:467-479 pubmed 出版商
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