公司名称 :
Alomone Labs
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目录 :
规格 :
1 X 25 mcl
价格 :
克隆性 :
宿主 :
domestic rabbit
共轭标签 :
反应物种 :
人类, 小鼠
应用 :
免疫印迹, 免疫组化, 免疫细胞化学, 免疫沉淀, 免疫组化-石蜡切片, 免疫组化-冰冻切片, 免疫印迹基因敲除验证
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文章摘录数: 70
  • 免疫印迹; 小鼠; 图 6i
Cheng J, Dong Y, Ma J, Pan R, Liao Y, Kong X, et al. Microglial Calhm2 regulates neuroinflammation and contributes to Alzheimer's disease pathology. Sci Adv. 2021;7: pubmed 出版商
  • 免疫组化; 小鼠
Rhodes G, Segars K, Lee Y, Hutcheon A, Rich C, Trinkaus Randall V. Pannexin1: Role as a Sensor to Injury Is Attenuated in Pretype 2 Corneal Diabetic Epithelium. Anal Cell Pathol (Amst). 2021;2021:4793338 pubmed 出版商
  • 免疫组化-冰冻切片; 小鼠; 1:200; 图 5a
  • 免疫印迹; 小鼠; 1:200; 图 5a
Hou X, Dong H, Sun L, Yang M, Cheng H, Chen Y. Purinergic 2X7 Receptor is Involved in the Podocyte Damage of Obesity-Related Glomerulopathy via Activating Nucleotide-Binding and Oligomerization Domain-Like Receptor Protein 3 Inflammasome. Chin Med J (Engl). 2018;131:2713-2725 pubmed 出版商
  • 免疫印迹; 小鼠; 1:500; 图 3a
Barth K, Blasche R, Neiser A, Bramke S, Frank J, Kasper M. P2X7R-dependent regulation of glycogen synthase kinase 3β and claudin-18 in alveolar epithelial type I cells of mice lung. Histochem Cell Biol. 2016;146:757-768 pubmed 出版商
  • 免疫组化-石蜡切片; 人类; 1:200; 图 4c
  • 免疫印迹; 人类; 1:500; 图 2f
Giannuzzo A, Saccomano M, Napp J, Ellegaard M, Alves F, Novak I. Targeting of the P2X7 receptor in pancreatic cancer and stellate cells. Int J Cancer. 2016;139:2540-52 pubmed 出版商
  • 免疫印迹基因敲除验证; 小鼠; 图 s2b
de Torre Minguela C, Barberà Cremades M, Gómez A, Martín Sánchez F, Pelegrín P. Macrophage activation and polarization modify P2X7 receptor secretome influencing the inflammatory process. Sci Rep. 2016;6:22586 pubmed 出版商
  • 免疫印迹; 小鼠; 图 2
Karmakar M, Katsnelson M, Dubyak G, Pearlman E. Neutrophil P2X7 receptors mediate NLRP3 inflammasome-dependent IL-1β secretion in response to ATP. Nat Commun. 2016;7:10555 pubmed 出版商
Hu X, Zhao G, Xu M, Zhou H, Li F, Miao Y, et al. Interplay between Müller cells and microglia aggravates retinal inflammatory response in experimental glaucoma. J Neuroinflammation. 2021;18:303 pubmed 出版商
Tarek B, Bruggisser J, Cattalani F, Posthaus H. Platelet Endothelial Cell Adhesion Molecule 1 (CD31) Is Essential for Clostridium perfringens Beta-Toxin Mediated Cytotoxicity in Human Endothelial and Monocytic Cells. Toxins (Basel). 2021;13: pubmed 出版商
Li C, Chan T, Pan C, Vejvisithsakul P, Lai J, Chen S, et al. EMP2 induces cytostasis and apoptosis via the TGFβ/SMAD/SP1 axis and recruitment of P2RX7 in urinary bladder urothelial carcinoma. Cell Oncol (Dordr). 2021;44:1133-1150 pubmed 出版商
Xiang Z, Jiang X, Ji R, Yuan H. Enhanced expression of P2X4 purinoceptors in pyramidal neurons of the rat hippocampal CA1 region may be involved ischemia-reperfusion injury. Purinergic Signal. 2021;17:425-438 pubmed 出版商
Wang A, Wong V, Lee P, Bui B, Dudczig S, Vessey K, et al. Retinal ganglion cell dysfunction in mice following acute intraocular pressure is exacerbated by P2X7 receptor knockout. Sci Rep. 2021;11:4184 pubmed 出版商
Prades S, Heard G, Gale J, Engel T, Kopp R, Nicke A, et al. Functional P2X7 Receptors in the Auditory Nerve of Hearing Rodents Localize Exclusively to Peripheral Glia. J Neurosci. 2021;41:2615-2629 pubmed 出版商
Ge H, Sun M, Wei X, Zhang M, Tu H, Hao Y, et al. Protective effects of dihydromyricetin on primary hippocampal astrocytes from cytotoxicity induced by comorbid diabetic neuropathic pain and depression. Purinergic Signal. 2020;16:585-599 pubmed 出版商
Yang C, Shi S, Su Y, Tong J, Li L. P2X7R promotes angiogenesis and tumour-associated macrophage recruitment by regulating the NF-κB signalling pathway in colorectal cancer cells. J Cell Mol Med. 2020;24:10830-10841 pubmed 出版商
Pereira J, Barreira A, Gomes C, Ornellas F, Ornellas D, Miranda L, et al. Brilliant blue G, a P2X7 receptor antagonist, attenuates early phase of renal inflammation, interstitial fibrosis and is associated with renal cell proliferation in ureteral obstruction in rats. BMC Nephrol. 2020;21:206 pubmed 出版商
Rafael A, Cairus A, Tizzoni M, Abudara V, Vitureira N. Glial ATP and Large Pore Channels Modulate Synaptic Strength in Response to Chronic Inactivity. Mol Neurobiol. 2020;57:2856-2869 pubmed 出版商
Le Q, Kim J, Kim K, Van Vu A, Woo S. Distinct shear-induced Ca2+ signaling in the left and right atrial myocytes: Role of P2 receptor context. J Mol Cell Cardiol. 2020;143:38-50 pubmed 出版商
Olotu C, Kiefmann M, Ronneburg C, Lehmensiek F, Cuvenhaus A, Meidl V, et al. Analysis of purine receptor expression and functionality in alveolar epithelial cells. Purinergic Signal. 2020;16:213-229 pubmed 出版商
Montilla A, Zabala A, Matute C, Domercq M. Functional and Metabolic Characterization of Microglia Culture in a Defined Medium. Front Cell Neurosci. 2020;14:22 pubmed 出版商
Lee J, Kang M, Park S, Perez Flores M, Zhang X, Wang W, et al. The local translation of KNa in dendritic projections of auditory neurons and the roles of KNa in the transition from hidden to overt hearing loss. Aging (Albany NY). 2019;11:11541-11564 pubmed 出版商
Chen X, Li H, Wang K, Liang X, Wang W, Hu X, et al. Aerobic Exercise Ameliorates Myocardial Inflammation, Fibrosis and Apoptosis in High-Fat-Diet Rats by Inhibiting P2X7 Purinergic Receptors. Front Physiol. 2019;10:1286 pubmed 出版商
Ribeiro D, Casarotto P, Staquini L, Pinto E Silva M, Biojone C, Wegener G, et al. Reduced P2X receptor levels are associated with antidepressant effect in the learned helplessness model. Peerj. 2019;7:e7834 pubmed 出版商
Arkhipov S, Potter D, Geurts A, Pavlov T. Knockout of P2rx7 purinergic receptor attenuates cyst growth in a rat model of ARPKD. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. 2019;317:F1649-F1655 pubmed 出版商
Crabbé M, Van der Perren A, Bollaerts I, Kounelis S, Baekelandt V, Bormans G, et al. Increased P2X7 Receptor Binding Is Associated With Neuroinflammation in Acute but Not Chronic Rodent Models for Parkinson's Disease. Front Neurosci. 2019;13:799 pubmed 出版商
Wesslau K, Stein A, Kasper M, Barth K. P2X7 Receptor Indirectly Regulates the JAM-A Protein Content via Modulation of GSK-3β. Int J Mol Sci. 2019;20: pubmed 出版商
Martínez Frailes C, di Lauro C, Bianchi C, de Diego García L, Sebastián Serrano A, Bosca L, et al. Amyloid Peptide Induced Neuroinflammation Increases the P2X7 Receptor Expression in Microglial Cells, Impacting on Its Functionality. Front Cell Neurosci. 2019;13:143 pubmed 出版商
Arkhipov S, Pavlov T. ATP release into ADPKD cysts via pannexin-1/P2X7 channels decreases ENaC activity. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2019;513:166-171 pubmed 出版商
Zumerle S, Calì B, Munari F, Angioni R, Di Virgilio F, Molon B, et al. Intercellular Calcium Signaling Induced by ATP Potentiates Macrophage Phagocytosis. Cell Rep. 2019;27:1-10.e4 pubmed 出版商
Gentile T, Simmons S, Tallarida C, Su S, Rom S, Watson M, et al. Synthetic cathinone MDPV enhances reward function through purinergic P2X7 receptor-dependent pathway and increases P2X7 gene expression in nucleus accumbens. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2019;197:22-27 pubmed 出版商
Arribas Blázquez M, Olivos Oré L, Barahona M, Sánchez de la Muela M, Solar V, Jiménez E, et al. Overexpression of P2X3 and P2X7 Receptors and TRPV1 Channels in Adrenomedullary Chromaffin Cells in a Rat Model of Neuropathic Pain. Int J Mol Sci. 2019;20: pubmed 出版商
Dhuna K, Felgate M, Bidula S, Walpole S, Bibic L, Cromer B, et al. Ginsenosides Act As Positive Modulators of P2X4 Receptors. Mol Pharmacol. 2019;95:210-221 pubmed 出版商
Grygorowicz T, Struzynska L. Early P2X7R-dependent activation of microglia during the asymptomatic phase of autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Inflammopharmacology. 2019;27:129-137 pubmed 出版商
Gilbert S, Oliphant C, Hassan S, Peille A, Bronsert P, Falzoni S, et al. ATP in the tumour microenvironment drives expression of nfP2X7, a key mediator of cancer cell survival. Oncogene. 2019;38:194-208 pubmed 出版商
Seref Ferlengez Z, Urban Maldonado M, Sun H, Schaffler M, Suadicani S, Thi M. Role of pannexin 1 channels in load-induced skeletal response. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2019;1442:79-90 pubmed 出版商
Mahdi A, Jiao T, Tratsiakovich Y, Yang J, Ostenson C, Pernow J, et al. Altered Purinergic Receptor Sensitivity in Type 2 Diabetes-Associated Endothelial Dysfunction and Up₄A-Mediated Vascular Contraction. Int J Mol Sci. 2018;19: pubmed 出版商
Ali S, Turner J, Fountain S. Constitutive P2Y2 receptor activity regulates basal lipolysis in human adipocytes. J Cell Sci. 2018;131: pubmed 出版商
Grygorowicz T, Dabrowska Bouta B, Struzynska L. Administration of an antagonist of P2X7 receptor to EAE rats prevents a decrease of expression of claudin-5 in cerebral capillaries. Purinergic Signal. 2018;14:385-393 pubmed 出版商
Ali S, Turner J, Fountain S. P2Y2 and P2Y6 receptor activation elicits intracellular calcium responses in human adipose-derived mesenchymal stromal cells. Purinergic Signal. 2018;14:371-384 pubmed 出版商
Kaczmarek Hájek K, Zhang J, Kopp R, Grosche A, Rissiek B, Saul A, et al. Re-evaluation of neuronal P2X7 expression using novel mouse models and a P2X7-specific nanobody. elife. 2018;7: pubmed 出版商
Tozzi M, Larsen A, Lange S, Giannuzzo A, Andersen M, Novak I. The P2X7 receptor and pannexin-1 are involved in glucose-induced autocrine regulation in ?-cells. Sci Rep. 2018;8:8926 pubmed 出版商
Giacovazzo G, Apolloni S, Coccurello R. Loss of P2X7 receptor function dampens whole body energy expenditure and fatty acid oxidation. Purinergic Signal. 2018;14:299-305 pubmed 出版商
Fan J, Zhao R, Parro C, Zhao W, Chou H, Robert J, et al. Small molecule inducers of ABCA1 and apoE that act through indirect activation of the LXR pathway. J Lipid Res. 2018;59:830-842 pubmed 出版商
Colombo F, Bastoni M, Nigro A, Podini P, Finardi A, Casella G, et al. Cytokines Stimulate the Release of Microvesicles from Myeloid Cells Independently from the P2X7 Receptor/Acid Sphingomyelinase Pathway. Front Immunol. 2018;9:204 pubmed 出版商
Liu C, Deng Z, Du E, Xu C. Long non‑coding RNA BC168687 small interfering RNA reduces high glucose and high free fatty acid‑induced expression of P2X7 receptors in satellite glial cells. Mol Med Rep. 2018;17:5851-5859 pubmed 出版商
Jin H, Han J, Resing D, Liu H, Yue X, Miller R, et al. Synthesis and in vitro characterization of a P2X7 radioligand [123I]TZ6019 and its response to neuroinflammation in a mouse model of Alzheimer disease. Eur J Pharmacol. 2018;820:8-17 pubmed 出版商
Sáez Orellana F, Fuentes Fuentes M, Godoy P, Silva Grecchi T, Panes J, Guzman L, et al. P2X receptor overexpression induced by soluble oligomers of amyloid beta peptide potentiates synaptic failure and neuronal dyshomeostasis in cellular models of Alzheimer's disease. Neuropharmacology. 2018;128:366-378 pubmed 出版商
Arguin G, Bourzac J, Placet M, Molle C, Paquette M, Beaudoin J, et al. The loss of P2X7 receptor expression leads to increase intestinal glucose transit and hepatic steatosis. Sci Rep. 2017;7:12917 pubmed 出版商
de Andrade Mello P, Bian S, Savio L, Zhang H, Zhang J, Junger W, et al. Hyperthermia and associated changes in membrane fluidity potentiate P2X7 activation to promote tumor cell death. Oncotarget. 2017;8:67254-67268 pubmed 出版商
Asatryan L, Ostrovskaya O, Lieu D, Davies D. Ethanol differentially modulates P2X4 and P2X7 receptor activity and function in BV2 microglial cells. Neuropharmacology. 2018;128:11-21 pubmed 出版商
Luo W, Feldman D, McCallister R, Brophy C, Cheung Flynn J. P2X7R antagonism after subfailure overstretch injury of blood vessels reverses vasomotor dysfunction and prevents apoptosis. Purinergic Signal. 2017;13:579-590 pubmed 出版商
Huang C, Chi X, Li R, Hu X, Xu H, Li J, et al. Inhibition of P2X7 Receptor Ameliorates Nuclear Factor-Kappa B Mediated Neuroinflammation Induced by Status Epilepticus in Rat Hippocampus. J Mol Neurosci. 2017;63:173-184 pubmed 出版商
Nowodworska A, van den Maagdenberg A, Nistri A, Fabbretti E. In situ imaging reveals properties of purinergic signalling in trigeminal sensory ganglia in vitro. Purinergic Signal. 2017;13:511-520 pubmed 出版商
Zhao H, Pan P, Yang Y, Ge H, Chen W, Qu J, et al. Endogenous hydrogen sulphide attenuates NLRP3 inflammasome-mediated neuroinflammation by suppressing the P2X7 receptor after intracerebral haemorrhage in rats. J Neuroinflammation. 2017;14:163 pubmed 出版商
Amorim R, Araujo M, Valero J, Lopes Cendes I, Pascoal V, Malva J, et al. Silencing of P2X7R by RNA interference in the hippocampus can attenuate morphological and behavioral impact of pilocarpine-induced epilepsy. Purinergic Signal. 2017;13:467-478 pubmed 出版商
Baldini C, Santini E, Rossi C, Donati V, Solini A. The P2X7 receptor-NLRP3 inflammasome complex predicts the development of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in Sjogren's syndrome: a prospective, observational, single-centre study. J Intern Med. 2017;282:175-186 pubmed 出版商
Menzies R, Booth J, Mullins J, Bailey M, Tam F, Norman J, et al. Hyperglycemia-induced Renal P2X7 Receptor Activation Enhances Diabetes-related Injury. EBioMedicine. 2017;19:73-83 pubmed 出版商
Sander P, Mostafa H, Soboh A, Schneider J, Pala A, Baron A, et al. Vacquinol-1 inducible cell death in glioblastoma multiforme is counter regulated by TRPM7 activity induced by exogenous ATP. Oncotarget. 2017;8:35124-35137 pubmed 出版商
Nie J, Huang G, Deng S, Bao Y, Liu Y, Feng Z, et al. The purine receptor P2X7R regulates the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines in human craniopharyngioma. Endocr Relat Cancer. 2017;24:287-296 pubmed 出版商
Parzych K, Zetterqvist A, Wright W, Kirkby N, Mitchell J, Paul Clark M. Differential role of pannexin-1/ATP/P2X7 axis in IL-1? release by human monocytes. FASEB J. 2017;31:2439-2445 pubmed 出版商
Guzman Aranguez A, Pérez de Lara M, Pintor J. Hyperosmotic stress induces ATP release and changes in P2X7 receptor levels in human corneal and conjunctival epithelial cells. Purinergic Signal. 2017;13:249-258 pubmed 出版商
Zheng B, Lai R, Li J, Zuo Z. Critical role of P2X7 receptors in the neuroinflammation and cognitive dysfunction after surgery. Brain Behav Immun. 2017;61:365-374 pubmed 出版商
Hirayama Y, Koizumi S. Hypoxia-independent mechanisms of HIF-1α expression in astrocytes after ischemic preconditioning. Glia. 2017;65:523-530 pubmed 出版商
Zhang P, Xu Q, Xue L, Zheng H, Yan J, Xiao Y, et al. Neonatal Maternal Deprivation Enhances Presynaptic P2X7 Receptor Transmission in Insular Cortex in an Adult Rat Model of Visceral Hypersensitivity. CNS Neurosci Ther. 2017;23:145-154 pubmed 出版商
Metzger M, Walser S, Aprile Garcia F, Dedic N, Chen A, Holsboer F, et al. Genetically dissecting P2rx7 expression within the central nervous system using conditional humanized mice. Purinergic Signal. 2017;13:153-170 pubmed 出版商
Fischer W, Franke H, Krügel U, Muller H, Dinkel K, Lord B, et al. Critical Evaluation of P2X7 Receptor Antagonists in Selected Seizure Models. PLoS ONE. 2016;11:e0156468 pubmed 出版商
Jimenez Pacheco A, Diaz Hernandez M, Arribas Blázquez M, Sanz Rodriguez A, Olivos Ore L, Artalejo A, et al. Transient P2X7 Receptor Antagonism Produces Lasting Reductions in Spontaneous Seizures and Gliosis in Experimental Temporal Lobe Epilepsy. J Neurosci. 2016;36:5920-32 pubmed 出版商
Zhang Q, Matsui H, Horiuchi H, Liang X, Sasaki K. A-Raf and C-Raf differentially regulate mechanobiological response of osteoblasts to guide mechanical stress-induced differentiation. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2016;476:438-444 pubmed 出版商
Seref Ferlengez Z, Maung S, Schaffler M, Spray D, Suadicani S, Thi M. P2X7R-Panx1 Complex Impairs Bone Mechanosignaling under High Glucose Levels Associated with Type-1 Diabetes. PLoS ONE. 2016;11:e0155107 pubmed 出版商
Grygorowicz T, WeÅ‚niak KamiÅ„ska M, StrużyÅ„ska L. Early P2X7R-related astrogliosis in autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Mol Cell Neurosci. 2016;74:1-9 pubmed 出版商
图像 1 :
Alomone Labs APR-004 图像 1
Western blot analysis of rat hippocampus lysates: - 1. Anti-P2X7 Receptor Antibody (#APR-004), (1:200).2. Anti-P2X7 Receptor Antibody, preincubated with P2X7 Receptor Blocking Peptide (#BLP-PR004).
图像 2 :
Alomone Labs APR-004 图像 2
Expression of P2X7 Receptor in rat pancreas - Immunohistochemical staining of rat paraffin-embedded endocrine and exocrine pancreas sections using Anti-P2X7 Receptor Antibody (#APR-004), (1:50), followed by goat anti-rabbit-AlexaFluor-555-secondary antibody (1:500), (red). Staining is highly specific for endocrine cells of the Isle of Langerhans. Hoechst 33342 is used as the counterstain (blue).
SKU号 :
ParentSKU :
Taxonomy Node :
Primary Antibody>Intracellular>Non-Labeled
Action :
产品名称 :
产品描述 :
Anti-P2X7 Receptor Antibody (#APR-004) is a highly specific antibody directed against an epitope of the rat protein. The antibody can be used in western blot, immunoprecipitation, immunocytochemistry, and immunohistochemistry applications. It has been designed to recognize P2X7 purinergic receptor from rat, mouse, and human samples.
Short Description :
Negative Control :
同义词 :
P2X7受体, 嘌呤受体P2X7, P2RX7, P2Z, ATP受体
靶标名 :
Primary Category (Old) :
Ion Channels > Ligand-Gated Ion Channels > Purinergic (P2X) Receptors > Antibodies to P2X Receptors
标记/共轭标签 :
应用 :
免疫细胞化学, IF, 免疫组化, 免疫沉淀, 免疫印迹
宿主 :
克隆性 :
抗体亚型 :
基因符号 :
反应物种 :
同源 :
Mouse - 18/20 amino acid residues identical; human - 16/20 amino acid residues identical.
靶标/背景信息 :
The P2X7 purinergic receptor is a member of the ionotropic P2X receptor family that is activated by ATP. To date, this family consists of seven receptor subtypes, named P2X1-P2X7, all of which have been cloned. The various P2X receptors show distinct expression patterns. P2X1-6 receptors have been found in the central and peripheral nervous system, while the P2X7 receptor is found in cells of the immune system, particularly in antigen-presenting cells and microglia. The P2X7 receptor mediates the release of proinflamatory cytokines and stimulation of transcription factors and may also play an important role in apoptosis.1-3
免疫原 :
区域 :
Loop :
Intracellular, C-terminus
序列 :
(C)KIRKEFPKTQGQYSGFKYPY, corresponding to amino acid residues 576-595 of rat P2X7 receptor
序列文本 :
Peptide (C)KIRKEFPKTQGQYSGFKYPY, corresponding to amino acid residues 576-595 of rat P2X7 receptor (Accession Q64663). Intracellular, C-terminus.
Primary Size (Size+Units) :
1 X 25 mcl
浓度 :
浓度 :
缓冲液 :
pH值 :
防腐剂 :
1% BSA, 0.05% NaN3 (% of reconstituted antibody)
Additive(s) :
Reconstituted antibody contains phosphate buffered saline (PBS), pH 7.4, 1% BSA, 0.05% NaN3.
格式(液体/冻干) :
纯化来源(杂交瘤细胞, 腹水 :
Affinity purified on immobilized antigen
储存温度 :
UniProt数据库 :
Top Related :
APR-008, APR-002, APR-001, APR-010, APR-009
储存和重组 :
Reconstitution: 1 X 25 mcl double distilled water (DDW), depending on the sample size. The antibody ships as a lyophilized powder at room temperature. Upon arrival, it should be stored at -20°C, as long as it is in its original form, it can last a minimum of 3 years this way. The reconstituted solution can be stored at 4°C, protected from the light, for up to 1 week. For longer periods, small aliquots should be stored at -20°C. Avoid multiple freezing and thawing. Centrifuge all antibody preparations before use (10000 × g 5 min).
包装规格 :
产品规格/规格 :
单位 :
标价美国[美元] :
更多信息或购买 :
Alomone Labs
Jerusalem BioPark (JBP), Hadassah Ein Kerem
P.O. Box 4287
Jerusalem 9104201
公司总部: 以色列
Alomone Labs公司成立于1989年,在离子通道、GPCR及神经信号通路研究等领域占据全球领先地位。