公司名称 :
Alomone Labs
产品类型 :
产品名称 :
目录 :
规格 :
1 X 50 mcl
价格 :
克隆性 :
宿主 :
domestic rabbit
共轭标签 :
反应物种 :
人类, 小鼠, 大鼠
应用 :
免疫印迹, 免疫组化, 免疫细胞化学
更多信息或购买 :
文章摘录数: 1
Izumi Y, Wakita S, Kanbara C, Nakai T, Akaike A, Kume T. Integrin α5β1 expression on dopaminergic neurons is involved in dopaminergic neurite outgrowth on striatal neurons. Sci Rep. 2017;7:42111 pubmed 出版商
图像 1 :
Alomone Labs ANT-014 图像 1
Western blot analysis of Recombinant human GDNF protein: - Lanes 1, 4: 50 ng Recombinant human GDNF protein (#G-240).Lanes 2, 5: 10 ng Recombinant human GDNF protein.Lanes 3, 4: 1 ng Recombinant human GDNF protein.Lanes 1-3: Anti-GDNF Antibody (#ANT-014), (1:1000).Lanes 4-5: Anti-GDNF Antibody, preincubated with GDNF Blocking Peptide (#BLP-NT014).
图像 2 :
Alomone Labs ANT-014 图像 2
Expression of GDNF in rat dorsal root ganglion (DRG). - Immunohistochemical staining of rat DRG longitudinal frozen section using Anti-GDNF Antibody (#ANT-014), (1:50), followed by Alexa 555-conjugated goat anti-rabbit antibody (red). Hoechst 33342 (blue) was used as a counterstain. GDNF staining is specific for neurons. Note that Schwann cells as well as satellite glial cells are both negative.
图像 3 :
Alomone Labs ANT-014 图像 3
Peptide (C)DDNLVYHILRKHSAKR corresponding to amino acid residues 192-207 of human GDNF (precursor) (AccessionP39905). C-terminus of the mature GDNF.
SKU号 :
ParentSKU :
Taxonomy Node :
Primary Antibody>Intracellular>Non-Labeled
Action :
产品名称 :
产品描述 :
Alomone Labs is pleased to offer a highly specific antibody directed against an epitope of human GDNF. Anti-GDNF Antibody (#ANT-014) can be used in western blot, immunocytochemistry, and immunohistochemistry applications. It has been designed to recognize GDNF from human, mouse and rat samples.
Short Description :
Negative Control :
同义词 :
GDNF, Glial-derived neurotrophic factor, hGDNF, Astrocyte-derived trophic factor
靶标名 :
Primary Category (Old) :
Neurotrophic Factors and Receptors > Alzheimer’s Disease > Antibodies
标记/共轭标签 :
应用 :
免疫细胞化学, IF, 免疫组化, 免疫印迹
宿主 :
克隆性 :
抗体亚型 :
基因符号 :
反应物种 :
同源 :
Mouse, dog, monkey, bovine - identical; rat 15/16 amino acid residues identical.
靶标/背景信息 :
Glial cell-line derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) is a neurotrophic factor originally identified for its ability to promote the survival of dopaminergic neurons in the midbrain.1 GDNF is part of the neurotrophic factor family known as GDNF-family ligand (GFL), which includes neurturin (NRTN), artemin (ARTN), and persephin (PSPN).2,3 The GFL ligands are structurally related to the transforming growth factor-b (TGF-b) protein superfamily and contain seven cysteine residues with the same relative spacing as other members of this family.2 Typical of neurotrophic factors, GDNF is produced in the form of a precursor, preproGDNF, which is then cleaved during secretion to become proGDNF, and later processed to the mature (homodimeric) GDNF form.2 The GFLs convey their activity by binding to a multicomponent receptor that includes the RET receptor tyrosine kinase and a glycosyl phosphatidylinositol (GPI)-linked ligand-binding subunit known as GDNF family receptor α (GFRα).2,3 Four different GFRα subunits have been identified (GFRα 1-4) that determine the specificity of the GFRα-RET receptor complex. Thus, GFRα1 together with RET make up the high affinity receptor for GDNF. The GDNF and GFRα complex interaction with RET induces activation of the intracellular tyrosine kinase domain of the latter. Phosphorylated RET can then interact with several intracellular signaling cascades including MAP kinase, PI3K and PLCγ signaling pathways.2,3 Lately a RET-independent signaling pathway for GDNF has been shown to involve binding of GDNF and GFRα to the neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM). Signaling of GDNF via the NCAM complex stimulates intracellular tyrosine kinases such as Fyn and FAK.4 GDNF is synthesized and secreted by a wide variety of cell types in the central and peripheral nervous system where it exerts its neurotrophic effects in the development and maintenance of distinct sets of neurons. Accordingly, GDNF knockout mice die shortly after birth, reflecting the central role of GDNF in neurodevelopment.2  Remarkably, GDNF was found to be an essential morphogen for kidney formation as well as to have a role is spermatogenesis.3
免疫原 :
区域 :
Loop :
C-terminus of the mature GDNF
序列 :
(C)DDNLVYHILRKHSAKR, corresponding to amino acid residues 192-207 of human GDNF (precursor)
序列文本 :
Peptide (C)DDNLVYHILRKHSAKR, corresponding to amino acid residues 192-207 of human GDNF (precursor) (Accession P39905). C-terminus of the mature GDNF.
Primary Size (Size+Units) :
1 X 50 mcl
浓度 :
浓度 :
缓冲液 :
pH值 :
防腐剂 :
1% BSA, 0.05% NaN3 (% of reconstituted antibody)
Additive(s) :
Reconstituted antibody contains phosphate buffered saline (PBS), pH 7.4, 1% BSA, 0.05% NaN3.
格式(液体/冻干) :
纯化来源(杂交瘤细胞, 腹水 :
Affinity purified on immobilized antigen
储存温度 :
UniProt数据库 :
Top Related :
蚂蚁-010, AN-240, 蚂蚁-004, 蚂蚁-006, 蚂蚁-003
储存和重组 :
Reconstitution: 1 X 50 mcl double distilled water (DDW), depending on the sample size. The antibody ships as a lyophilized powder at room temperature. Upon arrival, it should be stored at -20°C, as long as it is in its original form, it can last a minimum of 3 years this way. The reconstituted solution can be stored at 4°C for up to 1 week. For longer periods, small aliquots should be stored at -20°C. Avoid multiple freezing and thawing. Centrifuge all antibody preparations before use (10000 x g 5 min).
包装规格 :
产品规格/规格 :
单位 :
标价美国[美元] :
ICC Legend :
Expression of GDNF in rat C6 glioma cells - Immunocytochemical staining of GDNF in rat C6 glioma cells. A. Paraformaldehyde-fixed and permeabilized rat C6 glioma cells were stained with Anti-GDNF Antibody (#ANT-014), (1:200) followed by goat anti-rabbit-AlexaFluor-555 secondary antibody (red). Nuclei were visualized with the cell-permeable dye Hoechst 33342 (blue). B. Live view of the same field as in (A).
更多信息或购买 :
Alomone Labs
Jerusalem BioPark (JBP), Hadassah Ein Kerem
P.O. Box 4287
Jerusalem 9104201
公司总部: 以色列
Alomone Labs公司成立于1989年,在离子通道、GPCR及神经信号通路研究等领域占据全球领先地位。