公司名称 :
其他品牌 :
Epitomics, Ascent Scientific, MitoSciences
产品类型 :
产品名称 :
Anti-Beclin 1 antibody [EPR19662]
目录 :
规格 :
10微升, 100微升
克隆性 :
宿主 :
domestic rabbit
共轭标签 :
克隆名称 :
反应物种 :
人类, 小鼠, 大鼠, domestic rabbit
应用 :
免疫印迹, 免疫细胞化学, 免疫沉淀
文章摘录数: 24
  • 免疫印迹; 人类; 1:2000; 图 3b
Ding B, Bao C, Jin L, Xu L, Fan W, Lou W. CASK Silence Overcomes Sorafenib Resistance of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Through Activating Apoptosis and Autophagic Cell Death. Front Oncol. 2021;11:681683 pubmed 出版商
  • 免疫印迹; 人类; 1:2000; 图 6h
Diao L, Zhang Q. Transfer of lncRNA UCA1 by hUCMSCs-derived exosomes protects against hypoxia/reoxygenation injury through impairing miR-143-targeted degradation of Bcl-2. Aging (Albany NY). 2021;13:5967-5985 pubmed 出版商
  • 免疫印迹; 人类; 1:2000; 图 7a
Li H, Xu W, Xia Z, Liu W, Pan G, Ding J, et al. Hsa_circ_0000199 facilitates chemo-tolerance of triple-negative breast cancer by interfering with miR-206/613-led PI3K/Akt/mTOR signaling. Aging (Albany NY). 2021;13:4522-4551 pubmed 出版商
  • 免疫印迹; domestic rabbit; 1:2000; 图 2a, 7b
Wang Y, Gao G, Wu Y, Wang Y, Wu X, Zhou Q. S100A4 Silencing Facilitates Corneal Wound Healing After Alkali Burns by Promoting Autophagy via Blocking the PI3K/Akt/mTOR Signaling Pathway. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2020;61:19 pubmed 出版商
  • 免疫印迹; 人类; 1:2000; 图 4a. 4b
Vu M, Kassouf N, Ofili R, Lund T, Bell C, Appiah S. Doxorubicin selectively induces apoptosis through the inhibition of a novel isoform of Bcl‑2 in acute myeloid leukaemia MOLM‑13 cells with reduced Beclin 1 expression. Int J Oncol. 2020;57:113-121 pubmed 出版商
  • 免疫沉淀; 小鼠; 图 6
  • 免疫印迹; 小鼠; 图 s2b, 4a, 5a, 6a, 7
Huang Y, Gu C, Wang Q, Xu L, Chen J, Zhou W, et al. The protective effort of GPCR kinase 2-interacting protein-1 in neurons via promoting Beclin1-Parkin induced mitophagy at the early stage of spinal cord ischemia-reperfusion injury. FASEB J. 2020;34:2055-2074 pubmed 出版商
  • 免疫印迹; 小鼠; 1:1000; 图 4b
Wang X, Zhao L, Ajay A, Jiao B, Zhang X, Wang C, et al. QiDiTangShen Granules Activate Renal Nutrient-Sensing Associated Autophagy in db/db Mice. Front Physiol. 2019;10:1224 pubmed 出版商
  • 免疫印迹; 人类; 图 4a
Kabir S, Cidado J, Andersen C, Dick C, Lin P, Mitros T, et al. The CUL5 ubiquitin ligase complex mediates resistance to CDK9 and MCL1 inhibitors in lung cancer cells. elife. 2019;8: pubmed 出版商
  • 免疫印迹; 大鼠; 图 4b
  • 免疫印迹; 人类; 1:3000; 图 4b
Liu X, Zhao P, Wang X, Wang L, Zhu Y, Song Y, et al. Celastrol mediates autophagy and apoptosis via the ROS/JNK and Akt/mTOR signaling pathways in glioma cells. J Exp Clin Cancer Res. 2019;38:184 pubmed 出版商
Hsu M, Hsiao Y, Lin Y, Chen C, Lee C, Liao W, et al. Quercetin Alleviates the Accumulation of Superoxide in Sodium Iodate-Induced Retinal Autophagy by Regulating Mitochondrial Reactive Oxygen Species Homeostasis through Enhanced Deacetyl-SOD2 via the Nrf2-PGC-1α-Sirt1 Pathway. Antioxidants (Basel). 2021;10: pubmed 出版商
Li T, Chen Y, Li Y, Yao Z, Liu W. FAM134B-mediated endoplasmic reticulum autophagy protects against sepsis myocardial injury in mice. Aging (Albany NY). 2021;13:13535-13547 pubmed 出版商
Su Q, Li T, He P, Lu X, Yu Q, Gao Q, et al. Trichostatin A ameliorates Alzheimer's disease-related pathology and cognitive deficits by increasing albumin expression and Aβ clearance in APP/PS1 mice. Alzheimers Res Ther. 2021;13:7 pubmed 出版商
Long C, Cen S, Zhong Z, Zhou C, Zhong G. FOXO3 is targeted by miR-223-3p and promotes osteogenic differentiation of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells by enhancing autophagy. Hum Cell. 2021;34:14-27 pubmed 出版商
Zhu K, Yuan Y, Wen J, Chen D, Zhu W, Ouyang Z, et al. LncRNA Sox2OT-V7 promotes doxorubicin-induced autophagy and chemoresistance in osteosarcoma via tumor-suppressive miR-142/miR-22. Aging (Albany NY). 2020;12:6644-6666 pubmed 出版商
Tang Q, Chen Z, Zhao L. Circular RNA hsa_circ_0000515 acts as a miR-326 sponge to promote cervical cancer progression through up-regulation of ELK1. Aging (Albany NY). 2019;11:9982-9999 pubmed 出版商
Zhao L, Tian B, Xu Q, Zhang C, Zhang L, Fang H. Extensive mechanical tension promotes annulus fibrosus cell senescence through suppressing cellular autophagy. Biosci Rep. 2019;39: pubmed 出版商
He J, Deng L, Liu H, Chen T, Chen S, Xia S, et al. BCL2L10/BECN1 modulates hepatoma cells autophagy by regulating PI3K/AKT signaling pathway. Aging (Albany NY). 2019;11:350-370 pubmed 出版商
Guo Q, Zheng M, Xu Y, Wang N, Zhao W. MiR-384 induces apoptosis and autophagy of non-small cell lung cancer cells through the negative regulation of Collagen α-1(X) chain gene. Biosci Rep. 2019;39: pubmed 出版商
Su Y, Lu J, Gong P, Chen X, Liang C, Zhang J. Rapamycin induces autophagy to alleviate acute kidney injury following cerebral ischemia and reperfusion via the mTORC1/ATG13/ULK1 signaling pathway. Mol Med Rep. 2018;18:5445-5454 pubmed 出版商
Dökümcü K, Simonian M, Farahani R. miR4673 improves fitness profile of neoplastic cells by induction of autophagy. Cell Death Dis. 2018;9:1068 pubmed 出版商
Zeng Q, He H, Wang X, Zhou Y, Lin H, Tan Z, et al. Electroacupuncture Preconditioning Improves Myocardial Infarction Injury via Enhancing AMPK-Dependent Autophagy in Rats. Biomed Res Int. 2018;2018:1238175 pubmed 出版商
Gao J, Zhang Q, Song L. Resveratrol enhances matrix biosynthesis of nucleus pulposus cells through activating autophagy via the PI3K/Akt pathway under oxidative damage. Biosci Rep. 2018;38: pubmed 出版商
Svarcbahs R, Julku U, Norrbacka S, Myöhänen T. Removal of prolyl oligopeptidase reduces alpha-synuclein toxicity in cells and in vivo. Sci Rep. 2018;8:1552 pubmed 出版商
Wang X, Ma J, Fu Q, Zhu L, Zhang Z, Zhang F, et al. Role of hypoxia?inducible factor?1? in autophagic cell death in microglial cells induced by hypoxia. Mol Med Rep. 2017;15:2097-2105 pubmed 出版商
目录号 :
ItemName :
Anti-Beclin 1 antibody [EPR19662]
类别 :
宿主 :
克隆性 :
共轭标签 :
克隆名称 :
规格 :
10微升, 100微升
物种摘要 :
Hu, Ms, Rat
应用摘要 :
免疫细胞化学/IF, 免疫沉淀, 免疫印迹
400-628-6880 86-21-5110 5938
公司总部: 英国
Abcam是全球知名的生命科学研究领域产品提供商,产品涵盖一抗、二抗、蛋白、多肽及ELISA kit。